
Free Dazz by Hannah Davenport

Book: Dazz by Hannah Davenport Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hannah Davenport
sensations and emotions.  All she could do was hold on and ride the wave!
    She heard Dazz yell, “Ahhh…Chloe…” and filled her with his seed, which seemed to go on forever.
    Still connected and with labored breathing, she laid down on his chest.  She could barely hold her heavy eyes open, her orgasm having drained all of her energy.  He tenderly wrapped his arms around her.
    “That was…the most amazing joining I’ve ever had,” he said.
    “Good.  That’s what I was hoping for,” she smiled.
    “What you did with your mouth…”
    Chloe raised up slightly and looked at him.  “No one has ever done that before?”
    “Can’t.”  He pointed to his mouth.  “Fangs, remember?  I’ve also never joined with a female on top.”
    Chloe smiled, glad she could do things that the other females could not.  “I’m glad I was your first.”  Dazz laughed and it was a hearty sound.  Looking into his beautiful eyes, she said, “I love you, Dazz.”
    He smiled, “I love you, Chloe.”

    Lying in bed with Chloe on top of him, he couldn’t help but grin as he let the strands of her hair fall through his long fingers.  She was sound asleep as he should be, but he enjoyed feeling her in his arms, and wanted it to last a little longer before letting sleep claim him.
    As he remembered what they’d just shared, he could feel his shaft spring to life.  What she’d done with her mouth…and the sight of her high, large breasts bouncing as she sat on top, he couldn’t take it and had needed to quicken the pace.  Had any female ever turned him on so much?  No; that was an easy answer.
    Letting her hair slide through his fingers one last time, he wrapped his arms tighter around his mate and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
    Waking up the next standard day, Dazz didn’t want to leave, but duty called.  Chloe remained sound asleep, and after he dressed, he kissed her forehead.
    When she roused at the kiss, he said, “I have duties I have to attend to.  Go back to sleep.  When you wake, we’ll have first meal together.”
    She gave him a sleepy smile before replying, “’K.”
    He didn’t understand what that meant, but smiled anyway.  After kissing her forehead once more, he headed for his Ready Room. 
    As he exited his quarters, he found Dannte standing guard.  “Dannte, did Sakku assign you guard duty today?”
    With his eyes straight ahead while standing at attention, the young soldier replied, “Yes, Commander.”
    “Stay with my mate at all times, and let me know when she’s ready for first meal.”
    “Yes, Commander.”
    Dazz headed down the corridor, and as he walked onto the Bridge, heading for his Ready Room, Sakku, Kainn, and Chasse fell in line behind him, heading for morning report.
    After the last one entered and shut the door, Dazz sat down at his desk before finally addressing the three of them.
    “Sakku, I talked with Dannte.  You checked him out personally?”
    “Yes, Commander.  His family didn’t lose any family members in the last attack on Azziar.”
    “Chasse, have you found anything?”
    “Someone keeps messing with the ship’s sensors, but the ID code has been erased each time, and I’m unable to track who it is,” he replied.
    “Is there any way to piggyback a program so we are alerted as soon as it’s tampered with? Maybe send the deleted information to a different location before it is actually erased?”
    “It’ll take a little time, Commander, maybe a standard hour or two.  But I think I can do it, or something similar.”
    “Commander, there are 103 on board who lost family members in a Tureis attack.  Forty-eight of them lost female family members.”  Kainn informed him.
    “Let’s start with the ones who lost female family members.  I want an account of their activities.  Maybe we can find a connection between one of them and the tampered sensors.”
    After Dazz had dismissed them, Sakku remained

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