Kiss of the Night

Free Kiss of the Night by Sylvia Day

Book: Kiss of the Night by Sylvia Day Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sylvia Day
him, taking all of him, and he shuddered at the feel of the slick lips of her cunt kissing the base of his cock. Her creamy heat closed around him like a velvet-gloved fist. He’d just had the orgasm of his life, but you couldn’t tell now. His cock was swollen to painful proportions and his balls were threatening to crawl inside his body.
    “Easy,” he growled when she began to rock hard, directing all of his energy into keeping them suspended above the deck of the bridge. It was the only way to keep the hunger occupied so he could make love to Bree like she deserved, slow and tenderly, instead of fucking the hell out of her.
    She made another soft whimper and he cursed, the need to orgasm rising every time he sank into her. Her thoughts, hot and sexy and filled with fondness for him, drove him mad. Her fingers clawed at the glass, leaving damp trails of sweat behind. “Make me come again,” she pleaded. “I’m going crazy.”
    Curling his body around hers, Alex shortened his strokes and reached between her legs. He circled her clit with the pads of his fingertips and groaned at the feel of her slick with his seed.
    “Yes…” Bree swiveled her hips in time with his tempo, her cunt rippling along his shaft before clenching tight around him. Pure pleasure centered at the base of his spine. His cock filled with lust and desire before exploding in release, draining him of all the emotional barriers he’d set in place between them.
    * * * * *
    Taking care not to wake her, Alex slid his arm from beneath Briana’s head and slipped quietly out of bed. He stared down at her for a long moment, taking in the gorgeous way she was displayed on his linens. Lost in a sea of blood-red satin and jewel-toned pillows, her pale skin and golden curls made his mouth water.
    He was tempted to lean over her and steal a kiss, an act he’d successfully managed to avoid so far, but he knew already that a taste of her would lead to a hunger for more. His animal would awaken and want her blood, want her cunt, want her body writhing beneath his, completely at his mercy. He couldn’t take the chance that he’d hurt her. Not for anything in the universe.
    With a sigh, he forced himself to step away. He tugged on a pair of trousers and left the room. Padding softly down the corridor, he made his way to the bridge and sat down at his console with its multicolored lights. Alex took a moment to think, his brain gradually clearing of Bree’s addicting scent. Then he hit the comm and waited for Derek to answer.
    The screen lit up almost immediately, revealing the stern countenance of the Security President. “How’s everything progressing, Night?”
    “As well as can be expected.”
    That answer sounded better than, I’m falling in love with my mission, how about you?
    “Has she told you anything?”
    Not a damn thing and that was really starting to bug him. It meant there was a trust issue between them. Not that he blamed her with the information she had, but he was arrogant enough to wish that whatever she felt for him would be enough to get past it. He’d got what he needed by probing her mind, but he wished she’d had the faith in him to tell him her troubles out loud. “They want her to withdraw her support of the Eastern Bill.”
    Derek frowned. “Why? It’s a minor piece of legislation that doesn’t hurt anyone’s interests. If I remember correctly, it just calls for opening a remote sector of the Gamma Quadrant for travel.”
    “Apparently there is a small colony of nomads in that sector who display remarkable regenerative qualities. They can cut off a limb, let it die, then reattach it and it will regain its function.”
    “Shit.” Derek fell back in his chair. “I take it Representative Michaels hopes to open the route to researchers?”
    “That’s the plan. Briana thinks if they can determine how the regeneration works, they can regenerate the reproductive systems of vamps. She knew opposition would be high if her

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