Love on Assignment

Free Love on Assignment by Cara Lynn James

Book: Love on Assignment by Cara Lynn James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cara Lynn James
Tags: Ebook, book
complete with accusations and tears, so he ought to avoid the fuss and never chance another marital failure. With a weary sigh Daniel took Sarah’s journal from the drawer of his nightstand and paged through it. After her death he read it cover to cover, absorbing her pain, wallowing in it, belatedly understanding he caused so many of their problems. Even though she betrayed him, he knew he shouldered part of the blame. Yet when he replayed the events of their marriage, he still didn’t understand exactly why their love had died so abruptly and completely.
    The memory of their unhappiness still anchored him to the past. Snapping the journal shut, he padded over to the wardrobe, retrieved a hatbox where he’d stored odds and ends, and shoved it inside.
    It was time to shake off sad memories and concentrate on his children.
    The future.


    C harlotte burrowed under the covers and tried to relax and let the day fade into oblivion. Tomorrow she’d redeem herself. She wouldn’t give the professor even the remotest reason to regret his decision to hire her. Rolling to her side, she pulled the light blanket up to her chin and hoped for a peaceful sleep. It wouldn’t come.
    In the distance waves crashed against the rocks, and below her bedroom window crickets hummed softly in the warm night air. But nothing soothed her restlessness. On her own, she’d have to depend solely upon her wits for the next week or so.
    Maybe she wasn’t suited for spying, even for a worthwhile cause. Her heart sputtered as she recalled the unpaid roofer’s and doctor’s invoices. Charlotte groaned as she sat up and turned on the bedside lamp.
    She picked up the Bible lying conspicuously on the nightstand. Perhaps the professor had left the book for her. He seemed to put a lot of stock in his religious beliefs and no doubt expected she did as well. She wasn’t particularly interested in learning more about Jesus. But she was interested in Professor Wilmont, and he seemed interested in Jesus.
    What did he find so fascinating about a man who lived two thousand years ago? She couldn’t imagine. But maybe Scripture held the key to understanding the professor. And that might help her investigation. It was worth a look.
    She opened the Scriptures at random. The gospel of St. John. She skimmed the first few chapters with some interest. Then verses nineteen through twenty-one in chapter three grabbed her full attention.
    â€œAnd this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.”
    Were her deeds really evil or was she merely doing her job? She certainly feared being exposed for what she was—a reporter and a snoop. Not one bit comforting. Maybe she’d ponder this another time.
    Closing the book, she tried to sleep. After a long while her mind slowed. She drifted off just as dawn seeped through the off-white curtains.
    CHARLOTTE AWOKE WITH a start and sprang out of bed. Her pocket watch read six o’clock. Time to help out in the kitchen—if they wanted her. Thoughts of those Bible verses came to mind. That men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil. This rubbed her conscience raw, but she pushed it aside as she checked on the sleeping children.
    Charlotte dressed quickly in the light blue uniform and hurried down the backstairs to the basement. When she entered the kitchen, she found Fiona whisking eggs in a bowl while Ellie carried dishes into the servants’ hall.
    Stirring a pot of oatmeal, the French woman glanced at Charlotte with eyes nearly as dark as the coal stove. “We didn’t formally meet yesterday. I am Simone, Mrs. Wilmont’s maid.

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