ROMANCE: ALIEN ROMANCE: Enemy Lines (Shapeshifter Alien Invasion Abduction Contemporary Romance) (Science Fiction Romance with Alien Invader)

Free ROMANCE: ALIEN ROMANCE: Enemy Lines (Shapeshifter Alien Invasion Abduction Contemporary Romance) (Science Fiction Romance with Alien Invader) by Anna Collins

Book: ROMANCE: ALIEN ROMANCE: Enemy Lines (Shapeshifter Alien Invasion Abduction Contemporary Romance) (Science Fiction Romance with Alien Invader) by Anna Collins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anna Collins
this to you?” she said as she examined his body that was penetrated with numerous silver bullets. Normal bullets can’t harm a werewolf and she knew that he was being attacked by a group of hunters, who possess dangerous platinum and silver weapons that can harm a paranormal exponentially.
    She knew that she had to act fast else she could end up losing the werewolf forever. There was no connection between the both of them, they had never met before, but Tara could feel connected to the man. She had to save him, there wasn’t any alternative left. She tried to examine his body to know more about the stranger. Usually, werewolves have tattoos about their pack or any significant history, but she couldn’t find anything at all about the strange man.
    “Don’t tell me you are a lone wolf. It’s not a surprise you were caught by hunters without your pack,” she said while cleaning his wound with some spirit.
    The moment the magical spirit touched his wounds, it imparted an intense amount of irritation and pain to the wolf that lay there in his human form.
    “Ah! No!” he said and started breathing heavily as Tara was cleansing his body with the spirit.
    “I don’t want to cause any trouble, but this is necessary,” she said and tried to calm him down. She quickly went to her garden and came back with some hand-picked herbs.
    “I know what you need. Trust me!”
    She prepared something on the stove with those herbs and gave it to him.
    “Drink this, please. This will make you unconscious and you won’t feel any pain. I can simply take the bullets out and heal you without letting you feel the pain,” she said looking at his dark eyes. For a moment, their eyes met, and as he looked at his own reflection in Tara’s ocean blue eyes, he knew that he was safe. He opened his mouth and drank the liquid that put him in an unconscious state. He closed his eyes and let Tara do her magic. He was finally relaxed, knowing that he’d be alright when he would open his eyes.

    As Ralph closed his eyes, the flashbacks of the last night started to appear. He knew that he was dying as he knew how before dying one gets the flashback of his life. He could remember it all – the moment he laid his eyes on his parents to how he discovered he was a werewolf, he could remember the first time he met his pack or the time he made love to one of the fellow female werewolves on the pack. But most importantly, he could remember how a group of hunters attacked their pack and isolated a few wolves. He would see how he ran towards the city, hoping to escape the hunters. But they were so many and he was the only wolf. They attacked him with their specialized weapons and shot him with silver bullets that slowed him down.
    As he finally entered the city, he realized that he had escaped the hunters, but was devoid of energy. He could die any moment and then stopped. He lay unconscious in front of a house, with a will to carry on his life. He could hear Tara in the background casting several spells at the same time, trying her best to cure him. She knew that he was a paranormal, and the loss of his life would be an unforgettable loss. Suddenly, there was a moment of silence – he couldn’t hear or feel anymore. The liquid started to enter his system, making him unconscious. It was darkness everywhere. He was sure that it was his hand. He couldn’t abandon the darkness anymore, so darkness he became.
    “Are you alright?” he heard an angelic voice as he tried to open his eyes. It was sunny outside and he could see a halo forming behind the most beautiful face he had ever seen. He looked at the stunning face and knew that he was in heaven. He could look at those ocean blue eyes for the rest of his life, play with her long blonde curls, kiss those red lustrous lips, and make love to her charming face that had an aura of its own.
    “I am… you… who are you?” he tried to ask her.
    “Don’t worry, you are safe. I found you last night outside

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