Hope (Other World Protection Agency Book 1)

Free Hope (Other World Protection Agency Book 1) by Serena Simpson

Book: Hope (Other World Protection Agency Book 1) by Serena Simpson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Serena Simpson
she meant to kill him.

    The battle had drained more
energy than any of them had realized. They had made it back to the warehouse
and practically dropped where they stood. When Charon finally showed up, they asked
him when they would be going in search of Amanda. His reply had been, none of
you are ready for another battle. Then without another word he had simply
disappeared. That had been two days ago. So they had spent their time trying to
adjust to their new world order, which was mostly tension.
    Paul was now sitting in what he
considered the living room (although it was in the middle of the warehouse)
    “All alone?” He looked up to see
Charon standing by a rare window.
    “Yes. Mother and daughter took
the car to buy groceries. Nice of you to drop in BTW.”
    “As usual, you’re welcome. I was
out hunting information on your human friend.”
    Paul took the time to look at
him. “What did you find out?”
    “Not much and that’s disturbing.
Seems we are going to have to take a different approach to finding her.”
    “Why don’t we just go knocking on
his door?”
    “Because no one knows where his
door is.”
    “Just ask his mother. You seemed
rather cozy with her.”
    “Did you miss the part where she
said not to hurt her baby boy? Or did you miss Tara’s, look of murder? I on the
other hand missed neither.” His voice had a distinct mocking tone.
    “So what do you suggest we do?”
Paul stood and began pacing. Why couldn’t anything be easy in this new world
order? Really maybe someone should die and make him King. He would demand peace
in the land.
    “Go dancing.” There was total
silence as Paul refused to take the bait. “There’s a night club in East Liberty
that the non-humans like to frequent. There you can ask some subtle questions
and with a little luck we will get closer to finding his hideout.”
    “So just go to a night club,
dance and listen to all the gossip. Sounds rather easy to me.” Take Tara
dancing. That had a nice ring to it. Tara, in a little slinky dress with high
heels and those luscious hips swaying. This could be the best thing to happen
to him in a while. Now how to persuade her to mix business with fun?
    “You do realize this is nice
chance to wine and dine her.”
    He was saved from answering that
when the door to the warehouse opened. Tara and Dora came in carry bags and
laughing. The outing must have done them well, as there was less tension
between them.
    “Charon your back.” Dora said
with a smile.
    “Yes. It seems that I have to
leave again. Although I will be back tonight. Tara have fun dancing.” With that
he shimmered out.
    Show off Paul thought, before
turning to Tara to explain. “Charon suggested we do some undercover work
tonight at a local night club. He said it would be filled with non-humans and
we should be able to pick up information on Raimel.”
    He watched her closely, looking
for signs that she was interested in spending time with him. The look on her
face gave nothing away, but it was raising his level of frustration. That cute
I want you, I don’t want you vibe she gave off was beginning to bother him. He
was lying to himself. It was beyond bothering him and headed straight into if
she didn’t know what she wanted then the hell with her. Then she would smile at
him and of course he was caught up again.
    She turned to look at her mother.
“What will I wear?”
    “Shopping trip. Paul be a dear
and put the food up.” They were out the door leaving him alone again.
    They had driven to the mall. It
seemed the best place to go for a quick outfit. Tara was in the dressing room
discarding one outfit after another.
    “What does one wear to a club?
It’s not like I spent lots of time in them. You know fighting for my life and
    “Will you ever forgive me for
leaving you?”
    “Couple of hundred year’s maybe.
Will I live that

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