The Winner Takes It All (Love in L.A. Book 3)

Free The Winner Takes It All (Love in L.A. Book 3) by Audrey Harte

Book: The Winner Takes It All (Love in L.A. Book 3) by Audrey Harte Read Free Book Online
Authors: Audrey Harte
Tags: Contemporary
‘rawr’ big-time. But I don’t think he wants to try the long distance thing.”
    “Long distance relationships are the worst. I mean, technically I’ve never had a long distance relationship, but my high school boyfriend wouldn’t even try it. He broke up with me before he left for college in Boston. And Casey lives in L.A., but he’s touring around the country right now, so I only see him every few weeks or so.”
    “So I should text him now, right?”
    “Sure. See if he can do dinner tomorrow instead.”
    “It might be my last supper here in NYC if I don’t do well with tomorrow’s audition.”
    “Girl, you killed it today! What makes you think you can’t do it again tomorrow?”
    “Oh we’re talking about who killed what now, Miss ‘I make Mariah Carey sound like a karaoke singer’?”
    Annie turned bright red and gave Erin the biggest smile. “That is the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me.”
    “I only speak the truth, lady. Your voice is ridic. Fair warning—I’m thinking about putting Ex-lax in your coffee tomorrow morning.”
    Laughing, Annie shook her head as the train came to a stop. “I don’t think you have anything to be worried about. Your song was amazing. I adore Amy Winehouse.”
    “She was one of the best for sure,” Erin agreed as they exited the train and walked up the stairs, coming out right by Times Square. “Too bad she had to go and die of alcohol poisoning. My little sister is an artist—a ridiculously talented one—and for my birthday one year, I asked her to paint a trio of portraits for me. I wanted Audrey Hepburn, Adele and Amy Winehouse. My three ‘A’ ladies.”
    “So did she do it?”
    “Yep, she sure did. They’re hanging in my living room right now.”
    “That’s awesome. So does she make her living as a painter?”
    “Nah, she’s actually a tattoo artist, but any medium of art she tries, she excels in.”
    “Must be rough to be that talented.”
    “You’re telling me. Every single creative thing I’ve ever wanted to do, she’s tried and done better than me. It’s not freaking fair.”
    “Okay, but who’s the one competing in the finals for The Next American Superstar right now?”
    After seeing the long lines waiting outside the nicer restaurants, they opted to get burgers at Five Guys, and then they walked around Times Square, shopping for souvenirs and snapping pictures of each other to send back to their families. Erin sent Mike a text before dinner, but he didn’t respond until they were almost back to the hotel. He said he had plans with his family, but he might be free the next night. Ready for a long shower and a good night’s sleep, Annie said she was heading to bed, but she gave Erin a tight hug and told her to hang in there and keep her posted about Mike. Exhausted from the day’s stress, Annie was asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

    Annie woke up to Casey’s snoring the next morning. His arm was flung across her chest, one leg was wrapped around her, and his mouth was open and right by her ear, making the volume of his snoring extremely loud. Elbowing him away from her, she turned to roll out of bed, but just before she made it, a hand snaked out and grabbed her arm, tugging her back.
    Protesting, she struggled against him as he started sliding his hand up her leg to grasp her firmly by the butt cheeks.
    “No time for any of your shenanigans right now, mister. We need to get ready,” Annie scolded him as she tried in vain to wriggle from his grasp.
    He responded by shifting his hand from grasping her butt to sliding it further down between her legs. She gasped as his fingers deftly shoved her panties to the side, and then one long finger was gently penetrating her, making her eyes flutter shut as she moaned and pressed against him, already wanting more. He pumped his finger in and out of her a few times. Then abruptly his finger was gone, and she felt the bed shift as he got up. Her eyes

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