Bringer of Light

Free Bringer of Light by Jaine Fenn

Book: Bringer of Light by Jaine Fenn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jaine Fenn
you might be a little over-ambitious.’
    Jarek said, ‘You mean you’re not convinced that a handful of humans will succeed where the male Sidhe failed?’
    ‘We didn’t fail ,’ the Minister said, the faintest trace of anger in his voice. ‘We led the rebellion that broke the Sidhe Protectorate and brought humanity out from under the yoke of the females – even if they still, as you say, exert a degree of control from the shadows.’
    ‘But they wiped you out – most of you, anyway.’
    ‘Actually, no, that is not the case. We will perhaps get to that later. First, let us discuss my proposal. Captain Reen, I would like to buy your ship.’
    ‘You’d like to what ?’
    ‘Buy your ship. The Heart of Glass , isn’t it?’
    ‘It’s not for sale.’
    ‘Really? I was under the impression that it is about to change hands imminently.’
    ‘I’m going to fight that—’
    ‘With what, precisely? Righteous indignation?’
    ‘Wait a moment!’ said Taro loudly. ‘Why can’t you just pay off our debts? Or at least give us a decent loan? It’s not like you don’t fucking owe us!’
    The Minister frowned. ‘You are disturbing the other diners, Taro. Please don’t. It is true I owe you , and Nual, as you so eloquently put it, and whilst I was happy to deal with your immediate problems, I do not owe either the ship on which you travelled here, or its captain, anything.’
    ‘Why would you want a shiftship?’ asked Jarek. ‘What use is it to you?’
    ‘Let us just say that I am broadening my horizons,’ the Minister said expansively. ‘And although you might not see it this way, I will in fact be doing you a considerable favour. I am not looking to exert any control over you, Captain Reen; I would act as a silent partner. You will be free to carry on your business without any interference from me.’
    ‘So what would you get out of the deal?’ Jarek looked bemused.
    The Minister smiled thinly. ‘The knowledge that you were continuing the fight. All I ask is that you report any relevant activities to me.’
    ‘Would you expect me to consult you before carrying out any such “activities”? I know we’re both fighting the same enemy but, with all due respect, I’m not doing it for you.’
    ‘I understand that. I just wish to be kept fully informed. In return, you will have my financial backing, and that will ensure that earning a living does not distract you from your crusade. I am quite sure you can see the sense in that.’
    ‘And if I can’t? What if I refuse to turn over ownership of the Heart of Glass to you?’
    ‘Then I shall provide safe passage out of the Tri-Confed system, and you will go with my best wishes for the future.’
    ‘But no beacon.’
    ‘That is correct. This is one of those “all or nothing” deals they talk about, I’m afraid.’ When Jarek didn’t say anything, the Minister continued, ‘Obviously you will need to think about it; I imagine you may wish to discuss my offer amongst yourselves. You will find you have a mailbox number on your com labelled “City information”. Use it to let me know your decision.’
    After he left they sat in silence. Finally, Nual covered Jarek’s hand with her own and said gently, ‘Ultimately, it’s your choice.’
    ‘I know,’ said Jarek. ‘Can I trust him?’
    Nual smiled. ‘I trusted him with my life when I was hiding here.’
    Taro said, ‘The Minister’s a funny old cove, but he won’t break his word.’
    When it came down to it, though it wasn’t much of a choice, it still took Jarek several hours to commit to a decision.
    The Minister arrived within an hour of Jarek leaving his voicemail message. They all met in the hotel’s otherwise deserted bar – the rest of the guests were apparently spending the afternoon sightseeing. The first part of the meeting was pretty boring, as Jarek and the Minister thrashed out the details of transferring ownership of the Heart of Glass . Some of the shit they were discussing

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