Liquid Time in a Bottle: Wishes Come True

Free Liquid Time in a Bottle: Wishes Come True by Scott F Neve

Book: Liquid Time in a Bottle: Wishes Come True by Scott F Neve Read Free Book Online
Authors: Scott F Neve
Liquid Time in a Bottle
    Wishes Come True
    Scott F Neve
    Act One
    Season of Mourning
                  The season of mourning was hard upon Mr. Adamson. The passing of his beloved wife was incredibly fresh in his mind. The pain was too much for him to bear in his extreme old age.
                  The elderly gentleman sat at the bar in his spacious home. Two ornate bottles were poised before him on the mahogany countertop. A whiskey sour on the rocks slowly melted between them
                  The first crystal container was engraved with the word MEMORIES. Liquid memory like iridescent mercury glowed within it. The irreplaceable treasure taunted him like a lost lover. As the tears cascaded down his cheeks, he picked up the bottle and then he held it to his forehead. His thoughts took flight into the past.
                  Behind his closed eyelids, he beheld his dearest Eva who was always a vision of loveliness. Even at their first meeting, she stole his heart away without a word. Then the days melded into one long stream of living emotions.
                  He relived the joyous day of their wedding. He vividly recalled the sweet nights of their long honeymoon. They only had eyes for each other and that brought them great inner strength.
                  Over the years, her visage matured. She became worn down and fragile. The powerful images broke his heart anew. He knew that he could not live without her. She was gone, but she could never be forgotten.
                  The second bottle was labeled WISHES. The memento was completely empty, because Eva had made them all come true. Together, the childless couple was an unbeatable team. They had no doubts about each other.
                  Mr. Adamson slid the bottles into the breast pocket of his black tuxedo. He only wore it to fancy occasions like his own wedding and his wife's funeral. That thought made him laugh.
    Act Two
    Life after Death
                  Now, the season of mourning was past. It was time to move on from the pain of the silicon world. His wife was not lost; she was waiting for him in the near future. He strolled from the bar into the Living Room.
                  A large platinum box stood upright in the center of the room. For all intents and purposes, it looked like a space-age casket. But for Mr. Adamson, it was really a gigantic jewelry box.
                  He pressed the security code to open the lid. The thing swung open and revealed a much younger version of his beloved Eva. This newer model was dressed in an evening gown of pure white silk. Her eyes and mouth were closed in sweet repose. He touched her lips with his.
                  Eva's eyelids sprang up. Her mouth gasped as she took her first breath on this earth. A tiny panel opened in her cerebral cortex. He gingerly poured the liquid memory into her new brain. The panel shut and then the living machine came to life.
                  Suddenly, the face of the renewed Eva glowed from within. She hugged her husband with great vitality. He groaned in her strong arms as his own demise beckoned him relentlessly. He collapsed before her like a meat puppet with no tether to the source of life.
    Act Three
    Cycle of Love
                  Eva hoisted his body into the man-sized jewel box. She touched her lips to his. Another tiny panel opened above his breast bone. She poured out the time that was stored within his heart into the empty MEMORIES bottle. She giggled as the thoughts of their past mingled with her hopes for the future.
                  Then she removed the empty crystal vial marked WISHES from his vest pocket. She pressed the left side of her

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