Loved by the Linebacker

Free Loved by the Linebacker by Lyssa Layne

Book: Loved by the Linebacker by Lyssa Layne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lyssa Layne
his hands off me, taking
a step back. “What the hell are you doing here, Evan? I’m working, you can’t
just show up whenever you want to.”
    “Whoa!” He holds up his hands in a surrender
motion. “Fuck, Cam, I came down to visit my mom and thought I’d surprise you.
You really know how to show your appreciation,” he mutters the last part and
brushes past me.
    Ugh , I sigh and run after him. He stops
beside a black Yukon to get his keys out and I grab his hand. He looks back at
me, but doesn’t say a word. Softly, I squeeze his hand. “I’m sorry. I am happy
to see you. You… you just took me by surprise.”
    Quickly, Evan spins around and with one step has
me pinned against the SUV on the other side of his. “What are you so worried
about? We’re friends, right? Blake pulls this kind of shit with you all the
time, why can’t I?”
    I stare up into his blue eyes clouded with anger.
My fingers walk up his chest as I can’t tear myself to look away from him.
“Evan, you’re not Blake…”
    His eyes get darker and he takes a step back,
muttering, “Of course I’m not and I never will be.”
    My fingers clench around his sweater, keeping him
from moving. “Blake doesn’t show up and make me feel the way you do. When
Blake’s with me, I’m not constantly worried about what everyone else thinks.” I
pause, unsure where this honesty is coming from but deciding to just roll with
it. “When Blake’s with me, I don’t stare at his lips, wanting to taste them so
bad, but knowing they’re off limits.”
    Evan’s chest rises and falls under my hand, his
eyes go from a dark midnight blue to almost a baby blue color and a smirk comes
to his lips. “Who said they’re off limits?” He takes a step back to me, his
body crushing me against the car behind us.
    My heart in my throat, I’m barely able to squeak
out, “Me.”
    Evan doesn’t make a move, he just stares at me, a
smile dancing in his eyes while his hand moves to my stomach. Goosebumps tickle
my skin as his fingers walk over the chiffon fabric of my shirt.
    “What if no one knew?” he asks, his breath almost
a growl and my panties are immediately wet. “I don’t kiss and tell…”
    I swallow hard, shaking my head and wetting my
lips at the same time. Taking his sweet time, Evan lowers his mouth to mine.
The instant they connect, every nerve ending in my body is on fire. My hands
immediately go to his neck, pulling him closer, wanting him more and not
wanting to let go. Evan’s hands are needy as they roam over my torso, pulling
at my shirt and teasing my nipples. My moans are smothered by our kiss and the
vibrations from his own tease me even more.
    The loud shrill of my phone takes us both by
surprise and we pull apart. My chest heaves as I fumble in my purse to stop the
ringing. Finding it, I laugh and show the screen to Evan who shakes his head,
    “Of course Blake cock block’s me without even
knowing it,” he mumbles, his lips moving to my neck.
    Bolts of heat shoot through me at his touch.
Wiggling away from his body, I take three long steps away from him. Trying to
sound firm, I say, “The cock block isn’t Blake, it’s the fact that I don’t date
    I move quickly across the parking lot, letting him
know we’re done. Evan guffaws. “Sweet dreams of me, Cami. I’ll talk to you in
the morning.”
    Climbing into my rental car, I grip the wheel,
watching Evan pull out of the parking lot and drive away. Of course I’ll have
dreams of him tonight, like I do every night, but unlike most nights, Gregg is
waiting for me at my hotel. I turn on the engine and take my time driving to
the hotel. Just as I slide my keycard into my hotel room door, my phone beeps
with a text.
    You’re a great kisser. Can’t wait to feel your
lips on me again.
    AC/DC blares through my rental and I pound my
fists on the steering wheel, keeping beat with the music. The usual adrenaline
high I feel after being around

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