Fake Boyfriend

Free Fake Boyfriend by Evan Kelsey

Book: Fake Boyfriend by Evan Kelsey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Evan Kelsey
rushed out not
caring that they were following me."
    "If you
want to play game, this is actually your fault for being rich and
    "No, you
should do what you're told." I argue.
    "I'm not
a dog, Ruxin."
    "I know a
dog would listen better." I state, smiling.
giggles pushing me, but not moving me an inch. "Fine. Then buy a
    "Trust me
after a day with you, its becoming tempting." I tease.

    Once we
are safely in Ruxin's home I feel like I can breathe a little
easier. I sigh and walk down the hall as Ruxin, Ronan and Dave talk
about security for another upcoming event that I'll have to go to.
I walk into the spare room I was in earlier and get into the bed. I
don't want to assume that I'm staying in Ruxin's bed. Plus, its
dirty. I lay down and turn on the flat screen Tv, flipping through
channels and my heart stops.
I yell, sitting straight up in bed. I hear the pounding of
footsteps down the hall as three men come into the room. I turn up
the volume. Listening to a talk show personality discuss where I
came from, my mothers death and my college degree. They have photos
from my high school yearbook and then they show pictures of me and
Ruxin in front of his building. I didn't think it would be on
television! I expected the magazines but not this!
that was fast." Ruxin says, looking at the Tv with
start to discuss my father and mother, talking about Williams
infidelity. I groan diving into the covers and cover my head. I
hear them start talking about my lack of relationships. How did
they even get this much on me? The words introvert and shy make me
groan. I feel the bed dip and I know its Ruxin.
nothing bad, relax. This is all just basic information they
probably got from people you worked with." He says, rubbing my back
through the covers.
    I snap my
head up at him. "Basic information! Are you kidding me? And what
happens when they dive even further? Sorry, if I have a problem
with them knowing my bra size and who took my
does it matter? I took your virginity. It makes you look sweet and
innocent. While, I look like a lecher." He smiles, brushing my hair
from my face.
your not helping."
    "Sir, you
might want to see this." I hear Dave say.
    We both
look back to the TV as a video clip of Ruxin's mom walking out of a
store is shown. She smiles at all the questions. "I don't know much
about her, but I can't wait to meet her." She responds, getting
into a car.
stands up and takes out his phone. "I want security on mom when she
leaves the house. I just seen her get harassed walking out of a
store this morning." He states, clearly upset. I'm sending over
some people if your not going to do it." He paces the floor. The
person on the other end of the phone must have given in because he
looks less tense by the time he hangs up.
    "What are
you doing in here anyway?" He asks, looking at me
    "I was
going to fall asleep to some mindless TV show." I
aren't you in my bed?"
    I shrug
and lay back down. Coming over to the bed he crosses his arm and
waits for an answer. "Its dirty." I say, quietly.
    "I didn't
hear you." He replies.
    "I said,
its dirty." I whisper a little louder.
He asks again.
    "I said
its dirty!" I yell. As soon as I see his smirk. I know he was just
messing with me.
nothing that you weren't rolling in last night." He jokes, but I
see his eyes heating.
    I throw a
pillow at him as Dave and Ronan laugh quietly by the door. He
catches the pillow and throws it back on the bed. He turns to Dave
and Ronan dismissing them, "We'll talk about everything later." He
pulls me to the side of the bed and picks me up.
    "Why do
you want me in your bed?"
its where you belong."
your role, hoe. Type of thing?"
Now, if only there was a way I could take you out

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