Seduced by the Baron (The Fairy Tales of New York Book 4)

Free Seduced by the Baron (The Fairy Tales of New York Book 4) by Amy Andrews

Book: Seduced by the Baron (The Fairy Tales of New York Book 4) by Amy Andrews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Andrews
someone to be with your dad.”
    She looked at him unsure. “Say yes, Faith,” he murmured, tugging on her loops, tugging her harder against him increasing the pressure through the middle seam of her jeans. “You know you want to.”
    Her lips parted as she shut her eyes and Raf couldn’t tear his gaze from her face. “Where’s your favorite place in the whole of the city?”
    Her eyes opened again and looked directly into his. “The Met.”
    He frowned. “The Metropolitan Museum of Art?”
    Not an answer he’d been expecting. “I don’t suppose it’ll be open then?”
    She laughed. “I’m afraid not.”
    “What else?”
    He watched her as she thought for a moment. Or tried to at least. He could tell his erection pressing into the seam of her jeans was being a little more than distracting. “Ice skating at Rockefeller Center? It’s good fun and is open til midnight. We should be able to get in an hour or so.”
    “Ice skating?” Not something surfers were renowned for mastering. “Not a lot of ice rinks near the beach.”
    “I can teach you.”
    His dick pulsed at her innocent offer. Her teaching him. Down boy. Jesus, didn’t his dick know that it in particular was going to be subjected to extreme low temperatures every time he fell on his ass on the ice? Which would probably be frequently. “Isn’t that outdoors? Won’t it be a little on the…cold side for that?”
    “Not once you get going.” She raised an eyebrow. “You chicken?”
    Chicken? No. Horny? Yes. And they’d both have to warm up afterwards, right?
    With one yank on her loops he pulled her off the wall until all of her body met all of his. He pressed a brief hard kiss against her mouth. “Ice skating it is.”
    Her gaze was soft and her mouth was wet and it took every ounce of Raf’s control to not push her back against the wall again and to hell with propriety. “Can you get someone for your dad?”
    “I think. Just need to make a couple of phone calls.”
    He took that as a very definite yes to the date. “Good. Do it.” He dropped his fingers from her belt loops and stepped away. “Go on upstairs. I’ll join you in a minute.”
    Her brow crinkled. “You want to check up on your beer?”
    “No.” Raf shook his head. “I’m not going up there with a hard-on the size of the Empire State Building if your father is lurking. I’d really prefer to not meet him with a massive erection courtesy of his daughter .”
    Her gaze dropped to his crotch and lingered way longer than was good for him. Way longer than was good for his erection. “Oh,” she murmured lifting her gaze back to his face. He expected to see that he’d embarrassed her but there was a distinctly sexual gleam to her gaze.
    “Yes. Oh.” He shoved his hands on his hips. “Now get out of here before I decide I don’t give a damn what your old man thinks of me.”
    She grinned but thankfully headed for the stairs. With an extra wiggle to her hips if he wasn’t very much mistaken.
    So not helping.

Chapter Five
    F aith started when Raf appeared about ten minutes later. She wasn’t ready for him yet. She was still achingly aroused by his kissing and excruciatingly aware of the way his black jeans hugged his stride and how his polar fleece sweater barely contained his shoulders.
    Shoulders a girl could really sink her teeth into.
    “Mr. Sullivan,” Raf said, holding out his hand across the bar and his beachy scent wafted her way again. “Very nice to meet you, I’m Rafael Quartermaine. My deepest gratitude to you for allowing me to conduct a trial here.”
    Pop, who was trying some Baron lager, shook Raf’s hand. “Faith’s right, it’s a far better drop than the other two tap lagers. And considering how shite I think lagers are generally then you can take that as a compliment.”
    Faith held her breath for a second wondering how Raf would take the rather backhanded compliment. The Sullivans weren’t a lager family but her father

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