Protector of the Realm

Free Protector of the Realm by Gun Brooke

Book: Protector of the Realm by Gun Brooke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gun Brooke
Kellen’s arrogant tone. Examining Kellen’s posture, she sensed how uneasy she felt. Her blue-tinged fingers tapped against her thighs, and she seemed to be forcing herself to breathe evenly. It was as if all of her feelings simmered just beneath her skin, ready to erupt and cause havoc at a moment’s notice.
    “Please, do take a seat, Kellen.” Rae watched Kellen finally relent after a few seconds. She sat down and carefully extended her injured leg. Rae joined her and sat down behind the desk. She wasn’t quite sure why it felt appropriate to keep the piece of furniture between them. “And as for your question, absolutely not. That’s the point of this whole display. M’Ekar is trying to place himself above SC law.” She paused for effect. “ No one is above the law. I mean to stop him. It’s that simple. We’re treating him as we would treat a pirate.
    “The law is fascinating, with many facets. For instance, if Ambassador M’Ekar has connections within the Council and obtains supporting documentation, legally I would have to turn you over.”
    Kellen paled. “What?”
    “Of course, there’s usually a loophole. We have means to insure you cannot be extradited, and if you have to stand trial, you could do so in an SC court of law.”
    “What do I have to do?” Kellen spread her hands in a wide circle that emphasized her words. “Just tell me, I’ll do it.”
    Rae could tell Kellen had taken a leap into battle mode in one effortless moment. She paused, then said, “You have to marry a Supreme Constellations citizen and remain married for at least five years.”
    Kellen looked stunned. Her shoulders slumped, and a desolate expression spread over her paling features as she sank back into the chair. “It’s hopeless, then,” she murmured. “If he uses his connections, and he will, I won’t stand a chance. Who would marry me? I don’t know anyone within SC space.”
    Rae leaned forward, resting her elbows on the desk. She didn’t see any blue tears yet, but she knew they weren’t far away. Suddenly, she had a strong urge to keep them at bay no matter the cost.
    “Commodore…Rae, please.” Kellen’s voice sounded raw with emotion. “Send me back to the station and give me access to my ship. Now. Armeo and I will have to take our chances. I can’t allow M’Ekar to get his hands on Armeo and use him as his puppet. You know that!” Placing one hand over her heart, she reached the other one across the desk, palm up. “You’ve guessed what kind of man M’Ekar is. Armeo and I still have a chance to get away if you stall him. If it means running and hiding, I don’t care. We’ll just have to do it.”
    “No, you won’t. I’ve brought a civilian judge on board the Ajax . You can get married right now, before we rendezvous with the ambassador. No matter what happens then, you’ll be a SC citizen with all its benefits and obligations.”
    Kellen looked shocked. “But…who would marry me? I told you. I don’t know anyone.”
    “Hear me out. You’ve met several people on the station, and of those people you’ve had the most interaction with me.”
    Kellen crossed her arms and leaned back in her seat. Rae could tell from her hardening expression that she still hadn’t grasped what she was saying.
    “With my occupation, I’ve never had time for, or wanted to form, a family unit,” Rae said in a matter-of-fact voice. “However, it makes sense to do it now. Since no other suitor for you comes to mind, the most realistic option is that you become my wife.”

Chapter Five

    Kellen stood by the porthole in the commodore’s office and watched the stars turn into silver streaks. Her inner turmoil had settled into a false calm, as if her life were that of a stranger.
    Only a few weeks ago, she and Armeo had lived happily in the quiet countryside on a planet light-years from here. What twists of fate had taken the son of her heart and placed him in such danger? She had to be pragmatic. She

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