table to launch myself over the next fence. I landed heavily in the adjourning yard, just missing a trampoline. I ran around the rotted thing, and grabbed the plastic fence that closed off this yard. Swinging my legs over, I ran as fast as I could, cutting through the gate to the front yard. I figured I was one house over from where I thought they would be.
I rounded the house and pulled up short. The two were there, and one was on one knee, waiting for me to climb over the fence they just vacated. I wasn’t about to walk into that trap, so I took a second to catch my breath a nd look over my enemy. They were small men, both wearing black clothing from head to toe. Their faces were covered with scarves, and I couldn’t see any facial features. The one with the rifle kept aiming it at the fence, and I decided to make things interesting.
I took out my tomahawk and measured the distance between them and me. I was a long throw, but I had made longer ones. I took out my gun and kept it in my left hand. I didn’t care of my first throw killed or maimed, I just needed them down and surprised.
A low growl came from the south and right before I cut loose, something caught their attention. Our truck came tearing around the corner, grinding the gravel and making a lot of noise. From my little corner, I could see Julia driving and Jake was shooting from the window.
The pair by the mailbox was struck stupid for a second, but it was enough to do a lot of damage. Jake managed to send enough bullets their way to hit one of them, and the other never hesitated, he just took off across the street, darting in between the houses.
I ran out to the one left behind, and even as I approached, I could see it was a waste of time. Blood poured out of a shot to the head, and this one wasn’t going to tell me anything. I was mad enough to yell at Jake when Julia pulled the truck up alongside.
“Will you leave the next one to me?” I shouted, starting across the street after the second person.
“Have at it, you ungrateful prick !” Jake retorted.
“Can’t get answers from a corpse, idiot!” I yelled back, running through the same two houses as the man did before me. I vaulted another fence, this one being closer to the ground and made out of metal. The wood fences were in rough shape, mostly rotten and green with algae. I had a feeling if I hit one hard enough, I’d go right through. Trouble was, I wasn’t confident enough in my luck to let that experiment take place.
I saw a leg slip over the fence in front of me, so I knew I was closing in. I stretched my legs and gave it all I had, using a child’s slide as a step. The fence was tall. Nevertheless, with my momentum, I grabbed the top and swung over, pulling out my tomahawk as I landed.
Across the yard, a black figure was getting close to the fence. I didn’t know what he might be thinking . That fence was tall, and would have been trouble to scale in the best of circumstances.
Just as he jumped for a handhold, I let fly with my ‘hawk. It embedded itself in the wood next to the man’s head, causing that one to drop to the ground. He spun around, pulling two thin-bladed knives from their sheaths somewhere on his back.
I wasn’t about to get into a knife fight. First of all, anyone who does will get cut, period. I don’t care how good you are, you’re going to get cut. Second, I leave knife fights to Jake. He seems to like them, the weirdo. Last, I have no idea if those blades have zombie goop on them, and a scratch could still kill me. I slid to a stop and pulled my pistol.
“Gunfight,” I said. “Put them down.” I waved the barrel of my gun at the knives which were still pointed at me.
I had to give the guy credit. He thought about it for a long moment. I coul d almost see the thoughts and calculations going on in his head. However, my father didn’t raise a fool. I was far enough away to