The Making of The Huntress
inside because
for the first time since we’ve been together, I feel strangely
uncomfortable. The man sitting next to me might as well have been a
stranger. My mind is racing and my thoughts are so loud I feel like
he can hear the questions I’m asking him in my head “What’s going
on? Where is your damn car? and why am I getting out of my bed at
almost 2am? and worse yet why do you smell like a brewery?” He
looks at me like I just caught him in bed with my sister or best
friend. The look on his face is so sullen like it hurts for us to
make eye contact. Finally, I realize I’m going to have to be the
one who starts breaking down this wall between us one brick at a
time “Mark are you ok?” I asked. He just nodded his head yes, then
turned and looked out the window. I am about to boil over because
now I know he’s not hurt or anything so what the fuck? “Where’s
your car Mark, what’s going on?” I ask although I’m really afraid
of his answer. Keeping his face turned away from me he states “I
was in an accident and my car is back on 7th Avenue.” Now I’m
really going crazy wondering why are we leaving, why didn’t I pick
him up at the scene of this accident? Then he starts mumbling as if
to himself and all I hear is he can’t go to jail again for this.
“Screeeeechhhhhhhhh” I slammed on my brakes and just stopped my car
in the middle of the road. Something is seriously wrong here and
Mark didn’t even turn his head despite my quick stop. “Mark what
the hell is going on and what are you talking about jail?” He just
looks at me, totally ignoring my question and asks if I will drop
him to his house. I am completely livid by this point, Mark didn’t
even attempt to answer my question. Now Mark lives about 30 minutes
away from me with his parents and based on how things were going it
was going to seem like 3 hours trying to get there.
    Before finishing this story which is
starting to seem like the end I have to first discuss how we got to
this point. When Mark and I first started dating he had recently
finished a tour in the Gulf with the U.S. Marines and was newly
divorced which is why he moved in with his parents. Now the thing
is we had known each other most of our lives having gone to both
middle school and high school together. We lost touch while he was
in the marines, during that time he managed to get both married and
divorced. They say that happens to a lot of men when they join the
military because they miss home and try to create a new one. Mark
had only been back a few weeks when we ran into each other in a
store. As soon as I saw him I felt twelve years old again, the day
I first met him. I had just walked into my geography class and
there was the finest boy I’d ever seen. The only desk available was
right next to him so I just sat down. I felt very self-conscious
because I wasn’t a nerdy kid but I wasn’t exactly part of the
popular click either. I just knew this guy had to be part of the
popular group because he was just gorgeous, he dressed nice, and he
appeared very self-confident. I would soon learn why he was so
confident, because every girl in this middle school seemed to be
after him. The thing about Mark though was that although he knew he
was drop dead gorgeous, he never acted like he knew. When Mark
talked to you it was like you were the only person in the world. He
had this way of giving you his full attention and you felt very
special in that moment. Now I could see why all the girls wanted
him beyond his good looks. To make matters worse I was new to a
school where the other kids had gone to elementary school together
and had been at the middle school for a year before I moved there
from New York. Certainly, everyone in this little South Carolina
town knew everyone else and they didn’t know me and didn’t seem too
interested in getting to know me. That is, everyone but Mark, he
beamed right in on me knowing I was the new girl. Mark started
talking to me and kind

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