Stone Cold

Free Stone Cold by Stassi Evers

Book: Stone Cold by Stassi Evers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stassi Evers
When she raised her head, her eyes locked onto a black object on the nightstand next to the bed. Without a sound, Eden stood and walked toward the nightstand and picked up the object.
    “Is this it ? Is this the guy’s phone? What in the world do you want with his phone? What’s going on Conall?”
    “I can’t tell you, you just have to trust me right now. ”
    They had been so engrossed in their conversation that they didn’t hear the knock on the door downstairs.
    They both jumped when the silence was broken by a knock on Conall’s door.
    “Conall, come out here now, on the double.” Their dad’s voice had that angry tone they knew all too well.
    Eden looked out the window and saw the police car parked in front of their house.
    She whispered, “The police are here. Shawn and Bobby must have told them everything. Don’t worry Conall. I’m sure this will all work out.”
    She hugged him with a grip so tight he could barely breathe.
    “No need for you to get dragged into this. Stay here until you hear me leave. I need you to do something for me though.”
    Eden nodded.
    “ Without asking any questions try to get into his phone and delete any records for any girls named Hannah. Please, please write down all of her information first though. It’s extremely important that I have it. Delete all of his pictures too.” Conall’s voice shook as he reluctantly asked for Eden’s help.
    “Ok , but who is she? What is so special about this girl?”
    “No question s! Just please promise me you’ll do whatever it takes to get her data and delete it from his phone! It’s urgent before he can recover his contacts on another phone. Do whatever it takes to get this done Eden!”
    It took everything he had to pry Eden’s arms from around his body. After one quick kiss on her cheek, Conall opened the door and walked downstairs to await his fate.
    No sooner had he put his foot on the last stair than two police officers asked him his name and started reading him his rights. They escorted him outside in handcuffs and as he was being put in the car, Conall looked up at his bedroom window. There in the dark , he could see the shadowy figure of Eden with both hands pressed up against the window. He knew she’d do her best to honor his request.
    Never in his wildest dreams did Conall think he would ever end up being arrested and taken to jail. He was in shock as he posed for his mug shots, going through the motions as the officer told him which way to turn.
    There were a few close calls before but never anything like this. All he could think about was what his parents, in particular his father, must think of him.
    “How am I ever going to look him in the eyes again?” he worried.
    Conall had ruined their tr ust and he wasn’t sure they’d ever be able to forgive him.
    He felt completely responsible for getting Shawn and Bobby involved in his hair-brained scheme. He was told they were both being released the next day and were probably going to have to do community service as punishment for their first offense. Maybe he’d be lucky enough to get the same fate and not have to spend any more time behind bars.
    Conall fought back tears as he was placed in a cell. He wasn’t going to let anyone see his fear and tears were definitely out of the question. He lied down on the cot and placed one arm across his eyes to shield the bright lights overhead. All he wanted to do was sleep and wake up to find out this was all a nightmare. Everything all the way back to the day Liz was injured – all a nightmare!
    Chapter 7
    Darin Stone had driven to the police station alone. He convinced Evelyn to stay behind to be with Eden and Kylie although none of them were handling this well.
    He’ d been waiting in a corner office for what seemed like an eternity to finally be allowed to talk to Conall. There were so many things he wanted

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