Grey War Saga 1: Twilight of Innocence

Free Grey War Saga 1: Twilight of Innocence by Marcus Johnson

Book: Grey War Saga 1: Twilight of Innocence by Marcus Johnson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marcus Johnson
    “Sounds like
just the thing I need,” Jesela said.
    The two found
themselves in a packed cafeteria. In addition to the normal crew there were
several hundred Viken refugees onboard.
    “That’s a long
line,” Jesela said.
    “Then let’s go
to my quarters and get something there,” Mira suggested.
    “Don’t tell me
you’re learning to cook,” Jesela said.
    “I’m not
anywhere near as good as Seles is yet,” Mira admitted. “But I know a few
    “By the way,
what’s that necklace you gave Brian?” Jesela asked. “He wears it all the time.”
    “Let’s just say
it’s his beacon,” Mira said with a smile. “Though what I wonder about is the
earring I gave him after he returned from the sojourn.”
    “Are you talking
about this?” Jesela asked as she pulled it out of her pocket.
    “Why do you have
that?” Mira asked.
    “Brian said this
was a copy,” Jesela answered. “I think he gave the original to someone else,
but I don’t know who. So what is it?”
    “That’s my
backup,” Mira answered.
    Jesela looked at
it. “Interesting…” She spun around with a little dance before putting it away.
“I’ll take good care of it then.”
    “Thanks Jesela,”
Mira said.

Chapter 11 - A Moment of Sorrow
    Prime Minister
Ulad stood outside the parliament building in the capital city of the Viken
people. Thousands of ships from various races came and went as the population
of the homeworld was shuttled elsewhere within the Confederation. On a nearby
dock the Freedom was gathering as many as it could. Brian took a break from the
refugee work to walk over to Ulad as she stared at the burned sky. At the same
time a fleet of Mylor battleships used their power to return the scorched moon
to a stable orbit. Brian stopped when he was next to her and looked at the same
    “There are no
words for such sorrow,” Ulad said. “How do we move on?”
    “It isn’t easy,”
Brian said. “This is the fourth world I’ve seen this done to. But like the
Braiden and Reiki you have a chance to move on.”
    “You sound wise
for a man only in his thirties,” Ulad said.
    “I’ve grown old
quickly during my years in space,” Brian said.
    “It’s because
these are extraordinary times,” Ulad said.
    “Perhaps,” Brian
    “Did he die
well?” Ulad asked.
    “As a good
soldier should,” Brian answered. “Because of his sacrifice your world was
spared destruction.”
    “In a few
centuries the atmosphere and ecosystem should return to relative normality,”
Ulad said. “Are the reports true about the undeveloped worlds?”
    “They’re coming
in now,” Brian said and he looked to the ground. “So far six are confirmed
    “What about your
world?” she asked.
    “I hope they’re
alright,” Brian said. “That’s about all I can do.” He drew his rakna blade and pointed at the dead planet killer visible in the sky. “As long as I
live Earth will live on through me. Even if I am the last Terran to exist I
choose to fight forever.”
    “We will do the
same,” Ulad said. “As of now the remaining warriors of this world swear loyalty
to you and Heaven’s Light.”
    He reached out
and shook her hand. “When victory comes I hope to stand here again with you
prime minister.”
    “And to you as
well Captain Peterson,” Ulad said.
    * *
    The launching
bay of the Avoni was in a panicked state as the engineers added a refitted
Novaguard to each of the Phase Raknas. For the Mjolnir, Aegis, and Minerva a
pair of Novaguards was attached to their hulls. Meldi sat inside the Mjolnir
adjusting the systems when Daes popped her head in.
    “Is everything faring
well?” she asked.
    “Looks green to
me,” Meldi said.
    “Good,” Daes said.
“With these improvements you’ll have more attack and shield power.”
    “I always hoped
we’d be able to use them,” Meldi said. “I like you well enough Mjolnir, but I
miss my Nova at times.”

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