Three Wicked Days

Free Three Wicked Days by Trista Ann Michaels

Book: Three Wicked Days by Trista Ann Michaels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Trista Ann Michaels
cloud anywhere and the afternoon promised to be a scorcher. Grabbing her sunscreen
     from the bag at her side, she sat on the towel and began to smooth the cream on her
     legs and arms.
    A waiter walked by, and she waved, getting his attention.
    “Yes, ma’am?” he asked with a smile.
    “Could I get a strawberry daiquiri, please?”
    “Of course. I’ll be right back.”
    “Thank you.”
    With a sigh, she closed the sunscreen tube and dropped it into the sand beside her.
     Steve had gotten a call from the maintenance hangar and had taken a taxi to the airport.
     Placing a kiss to her cheek, he’d told her he’d catch up to her later.
    If she were honest with herself, the time alone is what she needed right now. She
     needed to distance herself, to remind her heart that nothing would come of this relationship.
     He was a pilot. He would never be home to help with things around the house or kids
     if they had any.
    He was also gorgeous, so there would always be the flirty, young flight attendants
     looking for their next fling or rich husband. Most of them didn’t care if they were
     married or not. She’d seen it happen. She wouldn’t be able to handle it if someone
     stole Steve from her, so it was just better to let him go now.
    Her heart ached at the thought. Damn. How did she let this happen? She glanced to
     her right and noticed Jordan making his way down the crowded beach. He met her gaze
     and waved before heading in her direction.
    It’s all Jordan’s fault , she thought as she watched him. He was the one who talked her into this really bad
     idea. Who am I kidding? I jumped in full steam ahead. It’s my fault and no one else’s.
    As he weaved his way through the throng of people, she admired his muscular chest.
     It wasn’t thick and bulging like Steve’s but firm and lean. He was definitely toned
     and fit. She grinned at a couple of women who openly ogled him. Jordan didn’t pay
     them any attention; he just kept right on going. She shook her head. It was such a
     waste of a hot male specimen.
    But Jordan was Jordan and that would never change.
    “Morning, doll,” he said with a smile and spread his towel out next to her.
    “It’s afternoon, sweetie, catch up.”
    “Is it?” He glanced up at the sky, shielding his eyes from the sun. “Wow, I guess
     it is. It’s amazing how much time flies by when you’re having fun.”
    Kayla cringed. “Please. I’m too sober for the details.”
    Jordan laughed and sat down next to her. His fingers brushed across her shoulders,
     and she looked to see what he was trying to wipe away.
    “Your back’s getting a little pink, Hon. Hand me the sunscreen.”
    She handed it to him, then closed her eyes as he massaged the cold, wet cream into
     her skin.
    “Those women over there keep staring at you,” she mumbled.
    “Please. They’re wasting their time.”
    “You’re not really gay, Jordan. You’re just confused. When are you going to accept
     that?” she teased.
    “Honey, I’ve seen you naked. If after that I’m still interested in a man, then I’m
     as gay as they come.”
    Kayla laughed and stared out at a sailboat in the distance, slowly working its way
     through the turquoise waves.
    “Well?” Jordan prodded.
    “Well what?”
    She stretched out on her stomach, laying her head on her hands. Jordan lay next to
     her, his head turned so that they faced each other.
    “Are you all right?” he asked.
    “Yeah, I suppose. Why wouldn’t I be?”
    “I’m just checking. I know I kind of pushed you into this thing with Captain gorgeous
     ass. Which is going how, by the way?”
    Kayla bit at her lip, trying to hide the grin. “Better not let Steve hear you call
     him that.”
    Jordan snorted. “The man is a god and he knows it. And unless I’m mistaken or have
     recently gone deaf, you never answered my question.”
    “Steve and I are having a great time.”
    “That’s it?”
    She shrugged. Jordan continued to study her, and she squirmed

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