Brought Together by Baby

Free Brought Together by Baby by MARGARET MCDONAGH

Book: Brought Together by Baby by MARGARET MCDONAGH Read Free Book Online
Maxwell’s sudden death four years ago had left him distraught, Gus admitted, choking up with the memories.
    Apart from Maxwell, Holly was the only other person he’d ever trusted, talked to or allowed into his heart. He still didn’t understand the intense connection between them during his first weeks in Strathlochan, but he’d shared things with Holly that he’d never revealed to another living soul. Not even Maxwell. And, despite recent hostilities, Holly had suggested the one name guaranteed to touch his emotions.
    ‘You remembered,’ he murmured, his voice hoarse.
    ‘Yes.’ Her eyes were huge as she looked at him—huge and filled with doubt. ‘If you don’t like it—’
    ‘I do.’ He shook his head to get rid of the confusion. Of course he liked it. He couldn’t have picked anything better himself. He met her gaze, not caring for that brief moment what he revealed to her. ‘Thank you, Holly.’
    He saw her swallow, saw the sheen of moisture that clouded her eyes, and his heart turned over when she produced the first natural smile he’d seen from her in months. A smile that dimpled her cheeks, squeezed his heart and turned his insides to mush.
    * * *
    Relieved by Gus’s reaction to her idea about the name, Holly was moved by the emotion he revealed to her, reminding her of the old Gus— her Gus—in the days when they’d shared a special closeness. At least on her side. She was no longer sure Gus had felt anything. Maybe she’d just deluded herselfthat he’d felt something for her because she’d so desperately wanted him to.
    She’d been scared to mention the name, unsure if Gus would find her suggestion intrusive. She knew what Maxwell McTavish had meant to him, just as she understood why family was so important…the reason she’d known he would move heaven and earth for his child. And she knew all this because, days after they’d met, he’d told her about his life and Maxwell’s place in it.
    ‘How long have you lived in Strathlochan?’ Gus had asked as they’d sat outside having a late lunch after a busy morning in A&E.
    ‘All my life,’ she’d told him, licking some stray mayonnaise from her tuna sandwich off her fingers. ‘I was born and raised here. My dad died when I was sixteen, which was really hard, and I stayed with my mum at home while I did my nursing training—which was good, because I was able to take care of her when she became ill.’
    Gus had been sympathetic, listening as if what she’d said was important to him. Encouraged by his attention, she’d opened up and shared some of her childhood memories…ones that didn’t include Julia. He hadn’t asked if she had any siblings, and that suited her just fine. The longer she kept Julia a secret the better.
    ‘Do you still live in the house?’ he’d asked.
    ‘No, it had to be sold after Mum died.’ She’d struggled to control her emotions, hiding the real reason she’d had to say goodbye to the home she loved. ‘That’s when I moved in with George. I’ve been there ever since.’
    Gus’s mood had changed in an instant, his face tightening, long lashes lowering to mask the expression in his eyes. ‘Oh, right. Sorry, I didn’t realise.’
    ‘Realise what?’ she’d asked, confused by the sudden change in him and the flat, distant tone of his voice.
    ‘That you were involved with someone.’
    ‘Involved?’ she’d repeated with a puzzled frown.
    Sighing, Gus had sat back on the bench, hands thrust into the pockets of his scrub trousers as he’d gazed up at the blue sky dotted with puffy white clouds. ‘George.’
    ‘Oh!’ She hadn’t been able to prevent a giggle escaping as the misunderstanding had become clear. ‘George as in Georgia Millar…she’s a staff nurse on the Children’s Ward!’
    His answering chuckle had been laden with relief and a hint of embarrassment. ‘Right…that’s good! I’ve probably seen her around the hospital, but I can’t put a face to the name,’ he’d

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