Secrets Abound (Supernaturally Bound Book 1)

Free Secrets Abound (Supernaturally Bound Book 1) by Erica Lee Cooke

Book: Secrets Abound (Supernaturally Bound Book 1) by Erica Lee Cooke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erica Lee Cooke
awake. I threw my arms up in a stretch and tossed my feet over the side of my bed. I tested my ankle, twisting it from side to side. It still hurt slightly, but it had improved significantly.
    As soon as Aiden and I began our trudge to school, I started in on him about the surprise. I tried guessing, but he continued saying no with a straight face.
    “No, it’s not Miller’s pond. You might as well give up because you’ve never been there, and you aren’t going to guess it.” He said arrogantly.
    There was no way that there was a part of this town I hadn’t seen, but I still found my confidence falter. Where could he possibly be taking me today?
    I had a pop quiz in first period English, which was a shock to everyone. The whole class groaned in protest. It was a lengthy test, so it took all period to finish, and I didn’t get a chance to talk to Cassie about Aiden’s surprise.
    I sauntered into drama class with low expectations. Our group was already sitting on the floor in a circle, discussing our assignment. Everyone except Aiden, of course, who appeared extremely uninterested. I scooted down next to him and tugged out a notebook.
    “Bridget, since you couldn’t make our study session yesterday, we took the initiative and assigned you a part. You’re going to be Friar Laurence.” Vicky informed me.
    “What study session? No one said anything to me or Aiden.” I narrowed my eyes.
    “Well, I was going to, but then Mr. Reynolds gave you detention, so I figured why bother? And Aiden already knows what part he’s playing, so it would have been a waste of his time.” Vicky shot Aiden a smile that he pretended not to notice.
    “Okay, whatever. What all did you guys get accomplished, yesterday?” I asked them. I shoved down my annoyance.
    “Well, we got most of the script written so we can finish it today and start memorizing lines soon.” Michelle announced.
    By the time we finished the script to where we all agreed on the contents, there still ended up being a kiss between Vicky and Aiden, which was one more than I wanted to see but oh well. We ran lines for the last ten minutes of class, all the way up until the bell rang.
    Later in BCIS, I automatically searched for a map of Waverly on the computer. I couldn’t for the life of me find a spot I hadn’t been to, though. When Aiden saw what I was doing, he laughed.
    “You are so impatient.” He said.
    “You say that like you don’t know me.” I said, still scanning the map.
    “True.” He paused. “You know, I already know what I’m going to have you do when I win tonight.”
    “Oh yeah, what’s that?” I asked.
    “I’m not telling you until tonight.” He grinned.
    At lunch, I waited for Cassie at our regular table. Once she sat down, I told her what Aiden had said.
    “Do you have any idea what it could be?” I interrogated.
    “I’m not sure.” She said, puzzled. A knowing expression spread across her face, and she broke out into a smile. “Oh, I know.”
    “What is it?” I asked, incredibly curious.
    “Don’t say a word.” Aiden asserted, sitting down next to us. Cassie glanced back and forth between the two of us, not sure who to side with. Then Aiden warned, “I won’t let you borrow my history notes.”
    “Sorry, B. You know I suck at taking notes.” She shrugged.
    “Traitor.” I teased.
    The rest of the day dragged on. When three o’clock finally came, I headed to my locker. Speeding through the hallway, I got stuck behind two girls trudging slowly, and I overheard their conversation.
    “What are you doing tonight?” One of the girls asked.
    “I’m going to the carnival. You’re going too, right?” The other one asked.
    Carnival? Since when does the carnival come to Waverly? That’s when it hit me. That sneaky bastard!
    “You think you’re so clever, don’t you?” I asked Aiden as I reached my locker where he was waiting.
    “Well, yeah, but that’s only cause it’s true.” He smirked, his accent making him

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