The Rifter's Covenant
rebirth.” The Intermittor’s
head-stalk looped in a sinuous movement that somehow conveyed the sense of a
smile. “But we will not insist that you abandon your present plans. It may be
that we will be of some assistance, although not personally.”
    “How do youthree
know this? How can you know what’s happening on Ares?” Captain Agenes’s voice
was doubtful. “The couriers we’ve received had no such news.”
    Cameron frowned,
wondering if her persistence was based on a latent strain of xenophobia, and,
if so, how that had gotten past the gnostors of Noology at the Academy. Then he
forced himself to relax. It’d be a wonder if worse things didn’t pop up, with
what they’d been through . At least,
he thought wryly, this sudden revelation had distracted everyone from their
distrust of Lochiel and her shipmates. One thing at a time.
    “Your pardon, Elder.”
ZiTuto made a deference, then turned to Agenes. “The Kelly can express
virtually any concept via biochemicals, so any surface anywhere a Kelly has
been can be like a newsfeed for those who come later. I would guess that is how
threy know; certainly enough time has passed since the war began for all sorts
of news to spread via any ship that has ever been even briefly boarded by a
Kelly—or via humans in contact with threm.”
    They’re the most
trusted doctors in the Thousand Suns , Cameron thought. Lots of opportunities to plant messages. And they have threads
on the DataNet as well.
    The Kelly
Intermittor said, “That is the essence of it.”
    The other two
emitted a sharp scent. Was that amusement at the pun? He wished he knew more
about these sophonts who had adopted so much of human civilization with such
    “We have word by
way of Rifthaven not only of the Eldest’s relict but of the Panarch’s as well.”
    “What!” The plot
room erupted in noise as everyone voiced questions or reactions at once.
    Cameron raised his
voice. “The last courier confirmed the death of the two elder sons of the
Panarch and his pending exile to Gehenna. But nothing has been known of the
    “The new Panarch,
Brandon hai-Arkad, was taken near Rifthaven by the same ship that carried the
relict of the Eldest. That is why we know wethree must go to Ares, since he was
undoubtedly escorted there.”
    “New Panarch?”
Cameron’s throat tightened.
    The noise died away,
all attention on the Kelly.
    Lochiel blanched,
her expression stricken. “Oh, Cameron, we didn’t think . . . we
assumed—” She stopped.
    “There was a
propaganda vid from the Suneater,” Messina spoke, her gray gaze sober. “We
didn’t think it appropriate to include it in our message. We assumed you
already had the news from Ares.”
    The Kelly moaned.
The head-stalks of all three stood straight up. “Wethree have trespassed. Not
for us was it to bear that news to you.”
    Bayrut spoke up,
his voice rough. “Eusabian’s son Anaris destroyed the Panarch’s ship above
Gehenna. We know nothing more.”
    Rufus Bonxer made a
ritual gesture, and others bowed their heads, or looked away as they processed
yet more terrible news.
    “We’ll give you the
vid,” Lochiel said in a low voice—no trace of triumph or gloat, underscoring
the differences among Rifters. “There has been no mention of Brandon hai-Arkad
in the hyperwave broadcasts.”
    Of course Eusabian
would not admit the failure of his plan to destroy the Arkad dynasty , Cameron thought. He dropped his gaze
to his hands, hoping no reaction showed; the little he knew of the new Panarch
was not inspiring.
    “We’ll want that
vid, and any other data you have that was relayed via hyperwave,” Cameron said
finally. Then, to the rest of his officers, “As regards His Majesty . . .
I will make an announcement.” He turned to the Kelly. “For now, Elder, please
    The Kelly extended
their head-stalks again. Was that embarrassment?
    “Wethree have
nothing more.” The Intermittor bowed gracefully

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