When Wishes Come True

Free When Wishes Come True by Joan Jonker

Book: When Wishes Come True by Joan Jonker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joan Jonker
thought, and if I think I can make up for all the lost years, and not be a hindrance, then I would love to apply for the position.’
    ‘Why don’t you slip into my office while I’m taking dictation from Mr Astbury? I’ll be with him for half an hour, and in that time you could practise your typing. If anyone asks for you, I’ll say I’ve asked you to do some filing for me.’
    ‘You are very kind, Miss Saunders, and I’ll definitely take you up on your offer.’ Evelyn had already made up her mind she wanted the job if only for the rise in status it would bring. She’d manage somehow with Amelia, the girl was quite sensible and reliable. She could have a key and let herself in after school and make herself tea and sandwiches.’ May I use some of the office paper?’
    ‘Yes, of course.’ Mildred was wondering now whether she should have kept the news to herself for a while longer, as Mr Woodward’s secretary Janet had already met Mr Astbury’s nephew at a social event and taken quite a fancy to him. In fact, she’d talked about nothing else for a week afterwards. He was good-looking and a bachelor, which made him fair game for the unattached Janet. If she knew there was a possibility of gaining the position of secretary to a young man with film-star looks, she would move heaven and earth to secure that position. Janet had told Miss Saunders he’d gone out of his way to smile at her, but neglected to add that he’d smiled at every woman in the room. At least all the young and pretty ones. ‘Please don’t discuss our conversation with anyone, Mrs Sinclair. I only mentioned it to you because I thought you would be interested in the promotion,’ said Mildred nervously.
    ‘Which I appreciate. And I assure you it will not be mentioned elsewhere.’
    Sitting at Miss Saunders’ desk later, with the typewriter in front of her, Evelyn felt a little nervous. Not about the fact that she would be leaving her daughter on her own for a couple of hours every night, she would get around that somehow. The girl was quite capable of looking after herself and surely wouldn’t come to any harm. Besides, she would benefit from her mother working full-time as they wouldn’t go hungry any more. No, Evelyn was nervous about passing the interview if she applied for the post. She would surely be asked about her speeds at both shorthand and typing, and it wasn’t something she could lie about. It would be almost impossible to get them up to the required speed within two weeks. The shorthand she might manage perhaps, for this she could do at home every night by asking Amelia to recite poems or repeat what she’d been up to at school that day. But how could she hope to impress at an interview if she could only have half-an-hour’s practice on a typewriter two or three times a week?
    Evelyn sat up straight and shook her head to clear it. She had a chance now to try her hand again at something in which she was once very proficient. Why not take full advantage instead of wasting precious time? After fifteen minutes her fingers were losing their stiffness and she was remembering how the letters were placed on the keyboard. When Miss Saunders came into the office later, she raised her eyebrows in surprise for the keys were clicking away quite quickly.
    ‘Very good, Mrs Sinclair, I’m quite sure that within the two weeks available, you will be well up to speed.’
    Evelyn smiled with pride at the compliment. It made her more determined than ever. After all, a new job could quite possibly change her whole life. Get her out of the rut she was in and back amongst people of her own class.
    ‘I hope you won’t think it very forward of me, Miss Saunders, but I would be grateful if you’d allow me the use of your office, and typewriter whenever possible,’ she said. ‘I would need to practise very hard to make a suitable applicant for the position which you say will soon be available.’
    ‘My office will be free after our lunch

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