Emma's Journey

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Book: Emma's Journey by Callie Hutton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Callie Hutton
chin in his hand, and turned her face so their eyes met. The look in his eyes was not an I told you so look, but one of compassion, and something else she couldn’t identify.
    Well, maybe I can tolerate this after all.
    “You won’t be sorry, I promise.” Davis ran his palms up and down her arms, resting his wrists on her shoulders. “I would never raise a hand to you, and although I don’t have much, everything I have will be yours.”
    “Will you take me back to Indiana?” Head down, she mumbled to her lap.
    “Sorry, darlin’, I’m heading to Oregon to settle. As my wife, you’ll go with me and stay there.”
    Emma slumped. There it was. The reason she didn’t want another marriage. What she wanted never mattered, it was always the man’s wishes that counted. She still wouldn’t give up on her desire to return to Indiana. Back to the love and security of her childhood, to a comfortable life with people she’d known all her life. But that would remain her secret for now.
    Summer now in full force, the heat started almost as soon as the sun came up. Cicadas chanted their spirited singing, and small animals and insects scurried for shelter from the heat. Circled by a crowd, Emma and Davis stood in front of Jeb Preston. Emma wore her best dress of green calico with ruffles around the neckline and sleeves. Small yellow flowers decorated her braided hair. She held a small colorful bouquet of wildflowers Abigail had made for her.
    Davis was fresh from a river bath; wet hair slicked back, clean black pants, and a white shirt with a string tie. He looked very handsome, Emma noted. Some of the younger single women who were traveling with their families studied him with romantic wistfulness.
    It was evening of the day after the river crossing. All the wagons had made it across, with the only mishap being Emma’s. Everyone had used the free day for bathing and laundry. Jeb had held a short Sunday service, and after the wedding ceremony, a party would follow.
    Davis took Emma’s hand in his and repeated the vows Jeb spoke. Sarah had loaned the couple one of her rings, since she thought Emma’s idea of using the same ring she had received from Peter was not a wise decision.
    Then it was Emma’s turn to repeat her vows, which she did in a soft voice. Her thoughts ran rampant as she spoke. So different from her first wedding. Her mother and father had beamed proudly when she’d become Peter’s wife. Now she was marrying a man her parents had never even met, out in the middle of nowhere, among a group of people she’d only known a short time.
    She gazed at the man she was pledging herself to. Peter had been young, brash, and full of life and energy. Davis was a more sober man, having no doubt suffered through things that made him the man he was. She didn’t question his character, having seen him every day for weeks now. He was smart, hard-working, and at the same time, caring and helpful.
    Would they grow to love each other? Did she want that to happen? Dragged from her musings at Jeb’s prompt, Davis reached over, took Emma’s face in his two hands and kissed her gently but firmly on the lips. Shock ran through her, creating little shivers to race across her spine, settling in her stomach. When she pulled back and met Davis’s gaze, once again the humor and other unidentifiable something sparkled in his eyes. She smiled briefly and then turned.
    They linked hands and joined the rest of the crowd as they all headed to where the women had set up tables and chairs scrounged from the wagons. Each wagon had contributed food for the celebration. The men had cleared an area and a few brought out fiddles and harmonicas. Soon couples began dancing, with the rest of the group clapping in time to the music.
    Apparently, having a break from the dull, hard routine of travel did much to refresh the travelers. Being clean, having clean clothing, and a reason to celebrate bolstered their spirits. Davis led Emma

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