Emma's Journey

Free Emma's Journey by Callie Hutton

Book: Emma's Journey by Callie Hutton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Callie Hutton
“Tomorrow we’ll be crossing our first river on this journey. This is a small river, and although there’s always a chance it would be shallow enough to just walk across, due to recent rains it appears we have to do a full crossing. I need y’all to make a wax paste to smear on the outside of your wagon to help it float. We’ll let the animals walk across and float the wagons behind them.
    “I’ll give you plenty of time to get ready in the morning. Y’all need to be up at first light to get started. If we move along we should all be able to cross in one day. Then we’ll rest on the other side of the river for a day. Since that will be Sunday, Jeb Preston has agreed to hold a service, and allow the women to do laundry and bathe. Anyone have questions?”
    “Ezra.” Emma raised her hand. “Exactly how deep is the river?” Small licks of fear rose up as she recalled almost drowning as a child. “And, is there a swift current?”
    “No, Miz Thorpe, it’s not too deep. In fact your wagon may not even float; we’re just taking these precautions. The water is moving, but I wouldn’t say there’ll be swift-moving currents.”
    A few other questions kept the group there until dark. When all the doubts and uncertainties had been laid to rest, Ezra called an end to the meeting and the group broke up. Emma walked back to her wagon with Elizabeth and Abigail.
    “Emma, I’m concerned about you crossing that river by yourself.” Elizabeth linked arms with her as they walked.
    “Frankly, Elizabeth, so am I, but if it’s not too deep, and too swift, I think I’ll be all right.”
    Silence descended on the trio as they continued on their way, each absorbed in her own thoughts about the river crossing the next day. They soon parted ways as they headed to their own wagons.
    Emma stopped near her wagon as Abigail and Elizabeth strolled away and continued to speak. “I really wish Emma wasn’t so stubborn,” Abigail said. “These kinds of marriages take place all the time. She needs the help, and her resistance is going to bring her harm, I’m afraid.”
    “What I don’t understand,” Elizabeth added, “is why Ezra is allowing her to go it alone. I thought no female without a family member was allowed?”
    “You’re right, but Jeb told me the reason Ezra is allowing this is to impress on Emma that she needs a man. Besides, he can’t just put her off in the middle of nowhere, anyway. She’ll come around, it won’t be long. She’s looking mighty tired.”
    Emma stood still, absorbing the women’s words. So this was Ezra’s way of bringing her around. She waited for the anger to rise at his machinations. The only feelings she could conjure up were worries about tomorrow, and an overwhelming sense of fatigue.
    A shrill whistle woke Emma. As she remembered today’s river crossing, a wave of fear washed over her. She crawled out from under the wagon into total darkness. Her stomach churning, she splashed water on her face, and attempted to convince herself she could do this. The wax paste she’d mixed up the night before lay alongside the wagon. With shaky hands, she smeared it on the cracks in the sides to help make it watertight.
    Emma glanced up from her work to see Davis making his way along the row of wagons, offering encouragement, and checking that each wagon was ready for the crossing.
    “You gonna be all right?” After checking her wagon, he stood over her, his broad shoulders blocking the barely visible sun from her face.
    “I think so.” She was appalled at how close the tears were.
    He reached out and cupped her chin, then shook his head and walked away.
    She touched her face where his hand had been. Warm and strong, just like the rest of him. Emma continued to view Davis as he stopped and spoke with each family. Brown curly hair hung over his collar. He’d rolled up the sleeves of his shirt to his elbows, leaving his muscular forearms, dusted with fine hairs, exposed. The

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