I Want to Kill the Dog

Free I Want to Kill the Dog by Richard M. Cohen

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Authors: Richard M. Cohen
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    Copyright © 2012 by Richard M. Cohen
    Illustrations © 2012 by Stan Mack
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    Photograph here courtesy of Philip Friedman/Good Housekeeping.
    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
    Cohen, Richard M.
    I want to kill the dog / by Richard M. Cohen.
    p. cm.
    ISBN 978-1-101-59537-4
    1. Cohen, Richard M. 2. Cohen, Richard M.—Family. 3. Dog owners—United States—Biography. 4. Dog owners—United States—Psychology. 5. Dogs—Social aspects—United States. 6. Human-animal relationships—United States. 7. Popular culture—United States. I. Title.
    SF422.82.C64A3 2012 2012028039
    While the author has made every effort to provide accurate telephone numbers, Internet addresses, and other contact information at the time of publication, neither the publisher nor the author assumes any responsibility for errors, or for changes that occur after publication. Further, the publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.

    This book is dedicated
    to numerous individuals,
    all of whom declined the honor.

    Wolf sits by the fire, waiting,
    rattlesnake in fur.
    You’ve got to be kidding.

’Bye, Jasper

    I ask you. Has a couple ever gone to war or a spouse moved to another country because a pet came between them? Have two people other than my wife and me ever had such opposing feelings when it comes to domestic animals?
    The irony is that my wife encouraged—no, goaded—me into writing this book about our dog. Make that
dog, whom I came to dislike long ago. My good wife must have figured telling my story would calm me down, maybe even shut me up about the beast.
    Not a chance.
    Jasper is a loud little doggie, with an ear-splitting bark that explodes with clocklike precision. To make matters worse, the animal’s personality matches the noise. Jasper can be just plain mean, at least to me. Jasper has an inflated sense of authority that goes unchallenged. I gave up long ago.
    My wife is a happy puppy prisoner and unreconstructed animal apologist. The woman lends a beautiful face to a culture that celebrates the pet pedestal, where lazy animals vegetate as owners pop grapes into their always-open mouths. Spare me, please.
    I want to tell my story before my betrothed, a fauna fanatic, gets her version out. There is a context here, a culture overtaking and suffocating me. It is a pet culture, powerful and peculiar. My mate buys in big-time, and she is not alone. Out West, dogs

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