The Orphans (Book 3): Strangers

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Book: The Orphans (Book 3): Strangers by Mike Evans Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mike Evans
Tags: Zombie Apocalypse
on to singing Steely Dan and looked the complete opposite of Tim who was getting more nervous about things as the afternoon progressed. He lookd out the door seeing all the men were focusing their attention towards the school and picked up a fortyfive semi auto pistol and slid it into the back of his pants and clipped a holster for a three fifty seven on his side as a back up covering both of them up with his baggy shirt. He didn’t need to be told something was wrong when he heard gunshots coming from a school rally.
    Tim walked back outside and heard an engine screaming under strain and he lifted his shirt a little the men stood back a step when they saw the cannon attached to his side. Cedric said, “Christ man, you getting a little jumpy?”
    Tim who usually wouldn’t talk back to the man even when he knew he was right said, “Well yeah when there’s gun shots going off in town, smoke filling the air, and screams that sound more like fear of life than welcome home I think i’m perfectly fucking justified in my hesitation. You got a problem with it, get a case of beer and fucking go home.”
    Cedric started approaching ready to kill when a fourwheeler skidded around the corner. Philip pulled him back Tim jumped out of the empty street as it approached the men watched in awe at the two individuals who sped like they were truly on a mission from god towards the opposite side of town. Each of them had a rifle on their backs and they watched as the girl motioned frantically behind them pointing while holding on for dear life to the young man. Tim watched the kids as they turned into a spec in the distance not really able to process such a visual in the middle of a city. He turned around to say something to the boys asking if they’d just witnessed this as well when what he saw made his balls go up into his throat. Out of the shock he walked forward hands limp at his side shaking his head squinting trying to get the out of focus image come into a real visual.
    What he saw was defnitely more awkward than the two teens racing by on a fourwheeler both wielding rifles. A mob of what looked like hundreds if not over a thousand people came around the corner. They looked to be in different states some were covered with blood, others looked like a land mine had gone off next to them limbs missing, blackened clothes. Their pink shirts from the school were darkened on half resembling two face from batman more than a school supporter. As they got closer he could see that most if not all of them had huge tears of skin missing from their arms and those that weren’t bleedng from anywhere else all had blood coming from their eyes. Charles screamned, “What the fuck is wrong with them, what are they running from?”
    Tim was already pulling his handgun from behind his back pulling back and making sure that there was something already set in the chamber. He clicked the safety off and held it in a two hand stance. Thomas yelled, ‘Those people live here you realize right? I mean they are running for help it looks like.”
    Tim said, “Bullshit, those fuckers are running with a purpose and there ain’t anything good about it. They look like they are going to kill, and it looks like we are what they are running for. I’m prety sure that they were running after those teenagers that came through here a minute ago. Look at them they look all kinds of fucked up, bleeding eyes arms missing, who the hell runs with missing limbs, i’ve been in the shit and this is the shit those people should be dead not screaming and running!”
    Philip pointed at two extremely vicious looking women running side by side. “Would you look at that Cedric.”
    Cedric who was looking around for anything that could be deemed a weapon was only halfway paying attention to his friend. “Jesus what man?”

Cedric looked focusing now and saw Lori and Lana running but they were running at speeds that he had not seen matched even in the olympics. His mouth was open

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