Captivated by Your Love (The Blue Heart Series Book 2)

Free Captivated by Your Love (The Blue Heart Series Book 2) by Kennedy Kelly

Book: Captivated by Your Love (The Blue Heart Series Book 2) by Kennedy Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kennedy Kelly
if I could give it that much thought at the moment when Abbee was in such rough shape. Hell yeah I wanted her to conceive my child, but now wasn’t the time or place to talk about that. I knew Reeve was just trying to be nice. He knew how crazy I was about her. Hell, for all I knew all of Las Vegas knew just how wild I was about her. It was no secret. I wanted her to be mine and now I was going to make my claim. She needed someone strong to help her through this. She had Sydney but she would have me as well. I would give her all of my time and support. Anything I could do to make her happy I would. I just hoped like hell she would give me a chance. The one that I knew I deserved.
    As we walked back toward her room I thought about what I wanted to say and tried to calm my nerves. I would try my hardest not to be bossy but it was going to be fucking hard.
    We approached the curtain to the room she was in, inside the ER, and my heart sank as I could hear her whimpering. I pulled the curtain back and peeked in the room. She had her hands covering her face and her body was visibly shaking. It broke my fucking heart in to pieces that lay shattered on the ER floor. Being a rock was one of my strong suits, so I would be that for her right now because that was what she really needed from me.
    “Abbee, can I come in, sweetheart?” I asked in a tender way.
    She removed her hands from her face and I saw the tears that had been cascading down. You could tell there had been a trail of several. “Oh, Justice,” she said softly.
    Walking into the room with measured steps, I immediately went to her side, sat down on the edge of the bed, and gathered her into my arms. She didn’t hesitate, she threw her arms around me and sobbed like a baby. I tried to be careful with her, treating her like a porcelain doll. I knew her sides had to be tender and I didn’t know if she was in pain from the miscarriage. It didn’t seem to bother her as much as it did me because she held on tight to me not letting me go while she poured out her sorrow on my shirt.
    “It’s going to be okay.” I hoped like hell she believed those words because in that moment, with her falling to pieces like she was, I wasn’t quite sure that they would. But I had to be strong for her.
    “I lost the ba—” Her voice choked on a sob. I knew exactly what she was talking about.
    “I know, honey,” I cooed to her and rubbed the back of her head with my hand.
    She pulled away from me and I could tell she was trying to gain her composure. She took a few deep breathes causing her to whimper from the pain that I was sure her broken ribs were causing her. “I didn’t know I was pregnant. But just knowing now that I was….” She took another breath. “It doesn’t make it any easier. Deep down, I wanted this baby with you.”
    “I know and it’s okay. We will get through this. Other than your broken ribs you have a clean bill of health.” Thank fuck for that.
    “I know, it just doesn’t hurt any less.” She buried her face in my chest again and began to cry. Tears for a baby that would never be.
    “I’m so stupid,” she whispered, but I heard her loud and clear. “Jensen is a piece of shit. I want to kill him with my bare hands.”
    “Shhh, it’s okay, we don’t have to talk about him right now.” I didn’t need to get any more worked up than I was already. I was raging mad. It was a good thing I was a cop or I might have just had to kill him. But I didn’t want to go to jail and serve time for the worthless motherfucker.
    “I’m just so angry and sad. So very low.” She was low and I needed to do everything I could to pull her back up. I would spend my time trying to make her happy.
    “I know you are.” I tried to soothe her by rubbing slow circles on her back.
    I heard a throat clear and looked over my shoulder. It was Reeve. Didn’t he realize we were having a moment? I needed more time alone with her.
    “Can I come in?” Reeve asked.

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