Silk and Scandal

Free Silk and Scandal by Regina Carlysle

Book: Silk and Scandal by Regina Carlysle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Regina Carlysle
done in the military style, was trimmed with a double row of shiny jet buttons. A matching hat, featuring a jaunty black feather, sat atop her head.
    The morning rain might never have happened at all, she thought as she looked out over the green-drenched park. The sky was blue and the air was fresh as the Haute Ton took in the scenery from within open carriages or on horseback.
    Drawing upon her personal stores of courage, Eliza lifted her chin and rode deeper into the throng. She spotted Duke Weston almost immediately. Every muscle in her body tightened at the splendid figure he made. Dressed to the nines in buff trousers, brown boots, and a bottle green coat, Nicholas was the epitome of the proper English gentleman, despite the rakish tilt of his beaver hat and the rogue’s grin on his gorgeous face when he saw her.
    She tried to ignore his effect on her feminine senses but it was no use. Her heart began a mad thumping in her chest and her palms grew damp within the confines of her kid riding gloves.
    Eliza could do nothing but reign in her mount as he approached with a purposeful expression. Several gentlemen paused to nod and smile at her but Weston had captured her attention completely. He turned a wicked grin in her direction. Her hands began to tremble, and she tightened her fingers on the straps she held.
    “Good day,” he said in a deep voice. “May I join you?”
    The aura of power and sensuality that surrounded him threatened to send her reeling, but she recovered quickly.
    “Hello, Your Grace. I suppose.” She wanted him gone, but polite behavior demanded the answer she gave. Her heart stuttered at the sight of him. She shouldn’t have ventured forth today because she had known there was a possibility she might see him. Surely the papers would once again link them. Blast it!
    After this morning’s floral offering, she should have known the man would stalk her every move.
    “Did you receive my gift?”
    Thinking of all those baskets of orchids softened her mood and though she knew she shouldn’t encourage him, she could not help the faint smile she cast his way. “They are lovely. Thank you so very much but you shouldn’t have.”
    “Why not?”
    “We have only just met and I was embarrassed in front of my family.”
    He frowned. “Embarrassed? How? Why?”
    Eliza huffed as she guided her horse around a sharp curve in the path. “They are not used to my receiving gifts. Now they have ideas about my marrying and that is not to be borne.”
    “Obviously they only want the best for you. Why should you be so appalled?”
    “Because it is ridiculous! I’ve made clear my stance on marriage. You are going to ruin my life. I just know it.”
    He smiled. “Hm. There is always that possibility. Still, flowers are innocuous enough. During our courtship, I shall demonstrate other ways of showing affection as well.”
    She bestowed what she hoped to be her iciest stare, wishing him to Perdition. Lifting her chin, she looked away, vowing to ignore him though other ladies on the promenade did not. Each one who passed seemed to devour the man with their eyes. Like a bevy of lap dogs, they fairly drooled at the sight of him. Silly twits! Could they not recognize the devil behind that bold face?
    Nicholas drew closer. “You think me too forward,” he murmured. “Perhaps one day you will appreciate that particular quality.” He sighed and gazed upward at the glimpse of sky shining through a leafy canopy of green. He seemed to come to a decision and pierced her with a look.
    “Please, let us not quarrel any longer. All teasing aside, I could not help but send the flowers. Their color reminded me vividly of your remarkable eyes. I simply could not resist. And yes, I realize that often I am far too forward.” He shrugged guiltily. “A fault I developed while living in the Orient. I mean no insult.”
    Eliza looked into the clear gray of his eyes, the boyish slant of his lips, and felt herself softening. Being a

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