Mom Loves to Suck
cheeks and dripping down her chin. Mom lowered my cock letting the last of my load paint her tits and drip down to her stomach. When there was no more, I started to move, but yelped when she took my sensitive cock into her mouth had hollowing her cheeks sucked hard enough to milk a couple of drops from it.
    “Oh, mom.” I gasped and withdrawing my cock from her mouth turned and literally fell into the chair.
    “Awww, baby.” Mom giggled at me.
    I gave her a tired smile and sat there staring at the unreal sight of my mother naked on her knees with my cum splattered all over her face and tits. Seeing me watching, Mom smiled and ran her tongue along her lips, then scoping cum from her tit with her fingers sucked them into her mouth.
    “You….fuck you’re hot mom.” I told her.
    “Hey watch the mouth!” she said pointing at me as she picked up her robe and began wiping cum from her face and tits. “You kiss your mother with that mouth?”
    “I kiss her other lips with this mouth.” I replied with a smile.
    “You did, baby, and damn good too.” Mom stood up and walking over to the night stand grabbed a bottle of water that was there behind the wine.
    I watched her move, admiring how her creamy skin glowed in the candle light and thinking again, what an incredible woman she was. Mom chugged half the water and as my eyes lingered on her tits, she turned and came over to me, handing me the bottle, noticing where my gaze was fixed she cupped her tits, “Not bad for an old lady?”
    “Not bad for any lady.” I told her, then paused to greedily drink the rest of the water, “You could be in cougar porn!”
    “What a nice thing to say to your mother!” she laughed and taking the bottle surprised me by sitting in my lap. “I mean really, tell me more!”
    I laughed as she turned in my lap so her legs were dangling over the arm of the chair and she was nestled against my chest. Smiling I put my arm around her, “I like seeing you happy.” I kissed the top of her head and taking my hand she squeezed it.
    “You made me very happy tonight, baby. I…I know it sounds weird, but it was about more than sex. It was about having a man look at me and want me. This…” she nuzzled into my chest “Feels just as good,” she giggled, “Okay different, but really good.”
    “It does.” I said aware of my cock pressing into her bare ass. Thinking about her ass, I cleared my throat nervously, “Hey mom, know how you said you…you would do anything Kelly wouldn’t?”
    “Yes, which I think would be almost everything,” she sighed, if she were older she would be perfect for your dad. We got the duds.”
    “Well what about, um…”
    “Really, Sean, you’re going to be shy after that?” she laughed.
    “Its kind of…”
    “Honey you made me cum three times tonight, what do you want?”
    “would you…” I lowered my voice as if afraid to say it loudly, “In our ass.”
    “Ohhh, you want to fuck mommy in the ass? With that big dick, you want to hear me squeal?” she paused then shrugged, “Sure.”
    “Yes, but I haven’t done that since college so we’re going slow with it, but I’ll do anything you want honey as long as you take care of me and….spend some tiem with me like this too, not just sex.”
    “We weren’t supposed to have sex.” I reminded her.
    “But you ask about my ass? No honey, it wasn’t planned, but I…I don’t regret it and anytime you want me you say the word. Hell, your father’s never home anyway we have time.” She turned enough so she could look at me and I stifled a moan as her ass slid along my spent cock, “Honey will you spend the night with me? Will you sleep with me?”
    “Yeah, that would feel good.” I told her, thinking how nice she felt in my arms right now.”
    “Good, I’d like that. Your father travels a lot and I’m tired of being lonely.”
    We were quiet for a few minutes and I thought about where this left me with Kelly. I’d thought

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