Can't Stop Loving You

Free Can't Stop Loving You by Lynnette Austin

Book: Can't Stop Loving You by Lynnette Austin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynnette Austin
did the same, looked at each other, and giggled hysterically. Then they all tore off to check themselves out in the bathroom mirror.
    â€œWe look funny, Uncle Brawley,” Jesse said as they ran back to him. “Are you gonna wear some?”
    Brawley pulled his safety glasses from the larger bag and slid them on. He handed each of the kids an upholstery hammer, small enough for them to handle but big enough to produce some results.
    Leading them over to an office wall, he drew a big X on it. “This needs to come down, men. Get ’er done.”
    â€œYou want us to hit the wall?” Josh wanted to be really sure before he did something undoable.
    Again, the triplets’ heads swiveled as they looked at each other, then at their dad.
    â€œCan we, Daddy?” Jesse asked.
    Ty nodded. “You sure can.”
    With whoops and hollers, the three tore into the wall. Laughing like loons, they watched as little chunks flew.
    Ty, hands in the pockets of his jeans, watched them. “Might be the beginning of something here. The boys can run a wrecking business when they get older.” He laughed. “Hell, they run one now. At the house. Poor Sophie. I don’t think she really understood what she was getting into when she took us on, but I sure am glad she did.”
    He raised his sledgehammer and took down half a wall. Sheetrock and dust flew.
    The boys clapped in delight.
    â€œWow, Daddy. You’re strong.”
    Ty raised an arm, showing off his muscles.
    Working beside the others, Brawley asked, “How long do you think Maggie will stay in New York?”
    Cash and Ty exchanged intense looks.
    â€œShe’s moving there, Brawley,” Cash finally said.
    â€œYeah, but—”
    â€œThis is her dream, pal.” Ty rested his hammer on his shoulder.
    â€œI know that.”
    â€œDo you? You’ve been gone. You haven’t seen how hard she works at her business.”
    A muscle ticked in Brawley’s jaw. “I’m not gonna screw it up for her.”
    â€œGood, because she deserves this shot,” Cash said.
    â€œUnderstood.” He brought his own tool down hard enough to crash through the wall, boards and all.
    *  *  *
    Done for the night, Brawley found himself unable to settle. He grabbed a Lone Star from the fridge and took it downstairs. Sitting in the dark in Dottie’s garden, he stared into the vast Texas sky and watched the stars twinkle to life overhead.
    Nursing his beer, he thought about Ty and Cash. They’d both driven home to their families. Would be tucked into bed tonight with their sweethearts. Would he ever get there?
    He’d kept an eye on Ty and the boys tonight. Brawley wanted kids. Had always figured he’d have some by now. But his plans had gotten derailed somewhere along the way.
    The moonlight turned the white flowers in Dottie’s garden into shimmery, glowing torches. A place for fantasy. The perfect spot to sit and think about Red.
    He’d loved her through junior high and high school, then had made the biggest, boneheaded move of his life. He’d honestly thought he was doing the right thing all those years ago, stepping aside so she’d go to her design school. That after they both finished college, they’d hook up again.
    They hadn’t.
    Maggie being Maggie, she wouldn’t forgive him. He’d miscalculated her fiery temper. Her stubbornness.
    So he’d moved to Dallas after he graduated, certain he’d stop loving her eventually. He couldn’t. So what had he done? Decided to pick up and move home. Woo Maggie. Court her. Storm her walls till she caved.
    How had that worked, dumbass?
    She was leaving. Moving to New York to follow those very dreams he’d given her space to find.
    His timing was off. Way off. Again. But Cash was dead right. He had no business standing in her way.
    He glanced again at the sky. Star-crossed lovers? He didn’t

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