Just Married...Again

Free Just Married...Again by Charlotte Hughes

Book: Just Married...Again by Charlotte Hughes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charlotte Hughes
Having been raised by nannies and servants, she had been forced to learn to do even the simplest things for herself, once she’d moved out on her own.
    She wondered if Michael had found himself in the same predicament after their split.
    “I don’t know how to cook,” Danny confessed meekly.
    Maddy couldn’t help but feel sorry for the boy. “Tell you what. Why don’t you help Uncle Michael, and I’ll make a nice breakfast. Just give me a second to change clothes.” That brought a smile to his face.
    “Let me get my toolbox,” Michael said, stepping inside the utility room and reaching for it on a shelf. He found his saw hanging nearby. He grabbed it and turned around, almost bumping into Maddy. She looked curious. He realized he’d made another blunder.
    “How’d you know where to find your tools?” she asked.
    “Where else would they be? They’d rust in the shed.”
    “How’d you know about the shed?”
    “Huh? Oh, I must’ve seen it last night when I pulled in.”
    “It’s not visible from the front.”
    “And you mentioned last night how it collapsed and got the wood wet. Why are you asking me these questions?”
    “Sorry. I was hoping you’d remembered something. Well, let me know if you need anything.”
    Michael sighed his relief as she made her way to the bedroom, dogs in tow. He didn’t have to be a genius to know the only reason she was so worried about him was because she felt guilty for causing his injury. And he was a skunk for allowing her to continue to feel that way after the hurt his thoughtlessness had caused her. But how else was he supposed to prove how much he’d changed?
    By the time he had the door off its hinge and Maddy had announced breakfast, Michael had convinced himself he was doing the right thing. After all, he was trying to save their marriage, and with their divorce date fast approaching, he didn’t have much time.
    He washed his hands and sat down at the small table; a plate of fried eggs, bacon, and buttered toast sat in front of him. Muffin came up beside him and sat on her hind legs while Rambo followed Maddy about. She set two small bowls of cereal on the floor, and the dogs raced to them. Michael remained quiet, knowing they didn’t have anything else to eat at the moment. Besides, a little cereal couldn’t hurt. He picked up his fork.
    “That’s Danny’s plate,” Maddy said, picking it up and setting another one before him.
    Michael glanced at his plate. “What’s this?”
    “Don’t you recognize whole wheat toast and melon?”
    The thought of eating dry toast was like eating a T-bone steak with only the bone, or like having sex without the climax. “Am I allowed to have anything on my toast?”
    She opened the refrigerator. “A little jam wouldn’t hurt,” she said, “although I wish you’d bought low-sugar. Luckily, you brought plenty of oranges, so that should stop your hunger pains.”
    “Yes, I have every confidence it will,” he said dully. Danny snickered. Michael shot him a dark look, but he was more interested in what was on the kid’s plate. “Why can’t I have bacon?” he asked.
    “Sodium.” Maddy made it sound like one of those dreaded new diseases for which there was no cure. “If you hope to lower your blood pressure, you’re going to have to give up salt.” She set her own plate down and joined them. “Not to mention the cigarettes,” she added wryly.
    “Cigarettes?” he said innocently.
    “Danny said you were putting out more smoke than a neighborhood barbecue on your drive up last night.”
    Michael slid a glance in his nephew’s direction, but the boy refused to meet his gaze. He glanced at Maddy’s plate and saw the usual hard-boiled egg, toast, and orange slices. He’d always considered it a boring breakfast for somebody who didn’t need to count calories or fat grams, but she preferred to eat light while getting in the extra protein she needed for the demands her job placed on her body.
    “Do you think

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