Perdition (The Dred Chronicles)

Free Perdition (The Dred Chronicles) by Ann Aguirre

Book: Perdition (The Dred Chronicles) by Ann Aguirre Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann Aguirre
    Dred nodded, surprised at the intimate knowledge of desperation she glimpsed in him. He looked far too young to know so much. Yet she sensed his apparent age was a lie—and a riddle, like so much else about him. It took all of her self-control not to commit herself to unraveling his secrets, but her problems were far more pressing than one man ever could be, no matter how much he intrigued her.
    “That ends today’s lessons,” she told him.
    “And here I was hoping for a hands-on portion of the tutorial.”
    Exactly the opening I hoped for.
    “Then it’s your lucky day.”
    His brows went up. “Really? That was fast. I didn’t even have to exert my natural charm.”
    “I suspect our definitions of the word may differ.” She couldn’t resist a smirk, holding the pause to see if he would break and ask.
    He did. “What did you have in mind, then?”
    “You’re going to see Silence with me.”
    “After everything you said about her cult of death? Why?”
    The reminder of how dire their situation had become registered anew, stealing away her mirth like a cold chill. “Because we need an alliance if we’re to survive the brewing conflict. Grigor and Priest are working together, and it won’t be long before they strike.”
    “Did you choose Silence because she’s female or because she shares a border with Grigor?” he asked with keen insight.
    “Both,” she admitted. “I hope she realizes that if Grigor takes my zone, it won’t be long before he’s looking to expand his borders the other way.”
    “If she believes nothing matters, she may not care.”
    “That’s a risk I have to take. He won’t rest until he controls the whole ship.”
    “Or until he’s dead.”
    “If you can achieve that, I’ll grant any reward you like.”
    “Be careful what you promise,” he said with a sharp smile.
    “It’s not a reckless offer. I said Grigor has the largest population, and he never has less than ten men at his side. Plus, you’d have to cut through multiple checkpoints to reach him.”
    He shrugged. “Still not impossible. It would just hurt a lot.”
    Who are you?
she wondered.
More to the point,
are you?
From a few hints he’d dropped, Dred suspected he wasn’t altogether human. But she didn’t ask.
    “Are you ready to go see Silence?”
    “Do I have a choice?” By his expression, he thought the answer was no.
    “Of course. If you’re a sheep content to be led, then find your pallet while I handle important business.” Dred spoke in a mordant tone, her gaze on his.
    In response, he jerked his chin. “You’ve got my measure, queenie. I can’t abide being left on the sidelines. You’re wise to keep me close. Otherwise, it will certainly mean trouble.”
    Just as Wills predicted.

    The Price of Silence
    Once Dred called for her two lieutenants, they set off for Entropy, a pretentious name for Silence’s zone. The princess in chains ran a tight ship, so to speak. She murmured greetings to men they passed, some roaming from the dormitories to the main hall, others heading back. From what Jael could tell, she knew their names, and they were courteous to her. It took a strong woman to earn the respect of convicts so brutal they’d been sentenced to die without ever again feeling the sun on their skin.
    Me, included.
    “I’ll take my turn on patrol,” he said then, “but I’d also like to work in the hydroponics garden if there’s somebody willing to show me what to do.”
    Tameron aimed a surprised look at him. “Unexpected. But I can show you the ropes tomorrow.”
    Dred was watching him, too, her expression inscrutable. But she didn’t comment. Which was good because he couldn’t explain the impulse. He couldn’t recall ever helping anything to flower. In his life, he’d only ever rolled through like a Peacemaker unit, leaving destruction in his wake. After so many turns in solitary in the Bug prison and now this place, it seemed like time to change

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