In Hot Pursuit

Free In Hot Pursuit by Karen Sue Burns

Book: In Hot Pursuit by Karen Sue Burns Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen Sue Burns
Tags: Romance, romantic suspense
inconsequential. Could you look into the relationship between Rebecca and Bill?”
    â€œThat’s easy, they’re co-workers.”
    â€œDon’t be a simpleton.” Just when she thought he was being open with her. “You should check them out.”
    â€œI saw them together at a mall in Sugar Land last Saturday. It was strange. Number one, both of them live inside the six-ten loop, Sugar Land is out of the way for shopping. Number two, I swear they were holding hands. And, number three, Rebecca threw me this out-of-the-blue smile as they left. It was totally out of character for her.”
    â€œThat’s it?” Skepticism flickered across his face.
    â€œYes, that’s it.” She didn’t blame Roddy for doubting her logic. The reasoning sounded lame to her as well. “I don’t blame you if you I think I’m nuts. My gut tells me something is weird with those two. Won’t you at least consider they might have more than a working relationship?”
    â€œI’ll think about it.” He stood. “Gotta go. I need to visit my mother on my way home.”
    She followed him to the garage. “Please call my cell if you have any news.”
    â€œSure thing.”
    He pulled his car in the driveway to turn around. After he backed out, he stuck his head out the window.
    â€œLynne Jenkins thinks I’m hot, huh?” He winked and drove off.
    Men and their egos.
    The phone was ringing when she returned to the townhouse.
    â€œMom, it’s me. I’m finally home.”
    â€œJane, how was your trip? Did you do any sightseeing?” Twin daughter number two was finally home from D.C.
    â€œIt was fine, tiring and boring. Training isn’t one of my favorite things. And, yes, we managed to do a couple of tours on Saturday, the White House and the Capitol.”
    â€œWonderful. D.C. is still on my travel list.” In fact, Quinn had quite the list of cities, both domestic and international, that she hoped to visit on future vacations.
    â€œYou’d love it. I heard about the big theft at the university. It was in the local papers.”
    â€œWe made the news in Washington? Not the best kind of publicity.” She doubted Scooter or Dr. Arnold would be happy HCU’s problems were news outside of Houston.
    â€œThere’s no such thing as bad publicity any more,” Jane said with a laugh. “Has anyone been arrested?”
    â€œNo arrests, no suspects. I’m working with the police for HCU. Interesting stuff so far.”
    She heard a typical Jane sigh.
    â€œIf you guys would use Texas South Bank rather than First National this probably wouldn’t have happened.”
    â€œI’ve told you a million times, we’re not changing banks. The Board will never consider it.”
    â€œDon’t forget we have a more updated computer system. First National hasn’t upgraded for at least five years. Maybe they were negligent in some way, considering they’re so far behind, system-wise that is.”
    â€œWho knows? That’s up to the police to figure out.” She wanted to know about her daughter’s life. “What else is going on? Dating anyone I should meet?”
    â€œStop asking me that.”
    As usual, she didn’t learn a single thing about Jane’s love life and she wasn’t even that nosy. A mother had the right to ask questions of her children. Jane rarely disclosed anything about her private life while Liz talked nonstop. How could identical twins be so different?
    After the call ended, Quinn went to the study to check her email. The HCU security chief had sent the list of employee addresses. She printed it out, intending to research the appraised values of homes owned by Rebecca, Scooter, and Bill. After accessing the Harris County appraisal district website, she entered the first home address for a property record search. Rebecca apparently rented as her name

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