A Hint of Magic

Free A Hint of Magic by Alaine Allister

Book: A Hint of Magic by Alaine Allister Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alaine Allister
other priorities.  “I have to finish the next issue of my paper,” she confessed.  “I’m way behind.  I’m afraid my evening is going to consist of catering to the cat and working.”
    “I’d like to try to talk you into going out to eat with me, but I understand,” Parker said.  He looked at her with awe.  “How do you even do it?” he asked.
    “Sometimes I don’t know.  Cats are so fickle,” she grumbled.
    “Ha no, I meant how do you singlehandedly run a newspaper?  I have a whole team of staffers and even then we’re always running around like chickens with our heads cut off.  I can’t imagine the pressure you must be under,” Parker said.  “Your work ethic is really admirable.”
    “Liana doesn’t think so.  She says I’m a workaholic.”
    “Are you?”
    “Yes,” Clarissa admitted.  “But right now I pretty much have to be.  The paper is new and just getting established.  This is a crucial time,” she said, hoping that Parker of all people would be able to relate.
    “You’re right,” he agreed, much to her relief.  “I just hope for your sake that there’s an end in sight.  No one can work the long hours you’re working without burning out.  And I don’t want you to burn out.”
    “You don’t?  It would eliminate the competition,” Clarissa pointed out.
    “A little professional rivalry is good, right?  You keep me on my toes,” Parker winked.
    Clarissa blushed and said nothing.
    “Would you mind dropping me off at my car?” he asked.
    “Well I was planning to make you walk,” she teased.  “But okay, come on.”

Chapter 08
    “Meow meow meow,” the cat said later that night as it paraded around on top of Clarissa’s head.
    She sat up with a start, causing the furry beast to hiss and retreat to the couch.  She had fallen asleep at her desk yet again.  And, by the feel of it, she probably had the imprint of her arm on her face.  How lovely!
    Clarissa glanced outside.  It was dark out. 
    She yawned and stretched.
    That was when she saw a shadow go past the living room window.
    She gasped.  “Did you see that?” she whispered to the cat.  Was her mind playing tricks on her?
    The cat was apparently upset that it hadn’t been permitted to prance around atop Clarissa’s head.  It stuck its nose in the air and ignored her.  The stupid thing was completely useless as far as security went.  It got freaked out by dust particles and imaginary predators, yet didn’t react at all when real live people were lurking around outside. 
    Then again, maybe Clarissa had imagined the shadow.  She was overtired and overworked.  It wouldn’t be a stretch for her to see something that wasn’t actually there.  That was what exhausted, stressed out brains did, wasn’t it?
    Suddenly there was an awful racket against the side of the house.
    Clarissa jumped.
    The cat dove under the couch.
    Thinking fast, Clarissa grabbed a broom out of the entryway closet. 
    She wasn’t sure what she intended to do with it, exactly.  Was she going to beat the intruder with it?  Probably not, but it made her feel somewhat more secure to have it.  It was better than going out there emptyhanded, anyway.
    Rather than charge outside blindly, Clarissa took a more cautious approach.  She crept over to the door, opened it a crack and peered outside.  What she saw was enough to make her blood boil with rage.
    None other than Zack Bishop stood out there.  He had a beer bottle tucked into the crook of his arm and a carton of eggs in his hand.  The big dumb oaf was egging her house! 
    Enraged, Clarissa stormed outside.  “Are you kidding me?” she hollered at Zack, her voice ringing out loud and strong.  “You have got to be kidding me.  This is so pathetic.  We’re not in high school anymore.  Grow up, Zack!”
    Zack looked startled to see her there.  Apparently he hadn’t planned on being caught in the act.  He looked around frantically as though hoping to take

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