Eye of the Beholder

Free Eye of the Beholder by Jayne Ann Krentz

Book: Eye of the Beholder by Jayne Ann Krentz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayne Ann Krentz
    Bell was somewhere in his early sixties. He wore his silver hair in a ponytail secured with a black thong. His rakish black shirt and black trousers were set off with a wide silver and turquoise-studded belt. There was another loop of turquoise and silver around his throat. It matched the bracelet that circled his wrist.
    Many in the crowd wore similar bracelets. They were fashionable among the locals and sold well to souvenir-seeking visitors. Alexa thought about the one that Foster had given her. It was an expensive version, made with real silver and quality turquoise, unlike the cheap imitations the tourists bought in large quantities. Presently, it was sitting in the bottom drawer of her jewelry case.
    â€œThere you are, Alexa.” Edward, resplendent in an all-white tux, materialized at her elbow. “Personally, I can’t usually abide the guru type, but I have to admit that Bell seems decent enough. He certainly cuts an impressive figure.”
    Alexa grinned. “I suspect there’s a bit of the showman inside every successful guru.”
    â€œTrue.” Edward popped a canapé into his mouth and munched. “I’m a little surprised to see that he was invited to Trask’s opening.”
    â€œProfessional courtesy,” Alexa said. “When you stop and think about it, he and Trask are both in the hotel business.”
    â€œYou have a point. From what I hear, the Dimensions Institute gets almost as many paying guests each year as a major resort.”
    â€œBell and Trask have something else in common,” Alexa said. “They’re both catering to the high end of the market. Being trendy has its price. It costsas much to stay at Dimensions for a week as it does to stay at an Avalon Resort.”
    â€œGiven the choice, I’ll take a week at an Avalon resort over two weeks at Dimensions, any day.” Edward shuddered. “At least at an Avalon hotel the client isn’t forced to eat tofu and meditate with crystals.”
    â€œThere is that.” Alexa turned around to face him. “Level with me, Edward. What is the art crowd saying about my collection tonight?”
    â€œThey’re going wild over it.” Edward chuckled. “You should hear the reporter from
. He’s raving about the depth and scope of the collection. No one knows it yet, but you, my dear, are a brilliant success. In the meantime, I, of course, am accepting all the credit.”
    An exuberant anticipation bubbled up inside Alexa. “I can live with that for now.”
    â€œI’m going to take a little group through the east wing to look at the Deskey textiles and the Steuben glass.” Edward cocked a brow. “Want to trail along behind us and listen in?”
    â€œNo, thanks. I think I’ll take my own private tour.”
    â€œJust be sure you stay out of Trask’s path.”
    â€œDon’t worry,” Alexa said. “He’s too busy with his guests to notice me tonight.”
    â€œYou’re probably right. Still, we wouldn’t want to take any chances.”
    â€œDon’t worry, I have it on good authority that I’m the risk-averse type.”
    â€œWho told you that?”
    â€œMy therapist.”
    Edward gave her an amused, skeptical look. “If you’re so risk-averse,why are you here tonight?”
    She tightened her hand around the strap of her small evening bag. “Because tonight is very, very important to me.”
    Edward gave her a knowing look. “Some risks are worth taking, aren’t they?”
    â€œDon’t worry, Alexa. It’s all going to work out. You’ll see. In a few months, you’ll be back in business.”
    â€œFor myself, this time,” she vowed. “If there’s one thing I’ve learned since McClelland left me to the wolves, it’s that I much prefer to be my own boss.”
    â€œI can’t blame you for leaping to that

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