Boss Me

Free Boss Me by Lacey Black

Book: Boss Me by Lacey Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lacey Black
my key into the lock, give it a gentle turn, and the door slides open as if in invitation. There’s no going back now.
    Will follows me inside my darkened living room. I turn to shut the door, throwing the lock again, but just when I touch the knob, his hand surrounds me in warmth. That’s all it takes. There’s that spark I’ve been waiting for, rekindling the fire simmering between us.
    I throw my arms around Will’s neck as he pulls me flush against him. The hard muscles of his abdomen flex as my lips meet his for the first time. The air is sucked out of the room, as I taste him. He tastes like hot male, ready and full of need. Will slides his tongue along the seam of my lips, begging for entry. I open my mouth for him and my entire body goes haywire. My mind goes blank, my hands lock firmly around the warm skin of his neck, and heat floods between my suddenly wobbly legs.
    The kiss is exquisite. The way that you always want a first kiss with someone new to be. It’s the kind of kiss that makes you forget your own name. The feel of his hot, wet tongue sliding against mine sends desire coursing recklessly through my veins. I want more. I need more.
    Will’s hands grab for my coat. I hear the zipper lowering with lightning flash efficiency moments before my coat is ripped from my body and dropped to the floor behind me. His hands are everywhere, exploring my body over my uniform, except the places I want him most.
    I moan into his mouth as I feel his hands grasp at my uniform top. Will tugs until the shirt and undershirt are removed from my pants without breaking the connection of our lips. His tongue continues to make love to me, mimicking the motions that I can only hope are coming next. His hand touches my skin in one scorching onslaught of heat. His large hands dig at my clothes, pulling at the material, trying to free my body.
    I quickly unzip Will’s coat, frantically trying to catch up. I throw the coat on the floor behind him and anxiously make quick work of the buttons on his uniform top. My fingers fumble as if completely forgetting how to perform this one basic task.
    Will pulls his lips from mine, reluctantly and looks deep into my eyes. His eyes are on fire with desire and need. His breathing is harsh and his chest is panting, as he attempts to get the necessary amount of air into his lungs.
    Without saying a word, Will links both of his hands with mine and starts to walk backwards towards the hallway. He gently pulls me along with him, his intentions clear. I go willingly and openly. And if I could run to our destination, I probably would.
    As soon as we reach the threshold of my room, Will stops, eyes roaming over my face as if questioning. I can tell he’s looking for confirmation before he takes that final step. I place my hands on his chest and give him a gentle shove backwards into my room. Will stumbles but only for a few steps. His eyes burn into me as he realizes the meaning of the gesture.
    I take two steps towards him and make quick work of unbuttoning the rest of those pesky little buttons. Will grabs my hands, holding them back as he stops my movements. Panic starts to set in that I’ve made a mistake, that Will is stopping this. But when I look up into his eyes, I see there is no mistake. He clearly wants this as much as I do. His eyes are blazing an indigo blue and they’re trained directly at me.
    Will moves my arms behind my lower back, his kiss fierce and urgent. There’s so much power and raw need within those lips. I close my eyes, reveling in the taste of his mouth and the feel of his body pressed firmly against mine, controlling me. He binds both of my wrists together with his large hand while the other begins to unbutton my shirt. My shirt is open and being removed moments later. Will works expertly at stripping me of my undershirt with only the barest break from the contact of our lips. I feel the cold air kissing my hot skin as he lifts the shirt up and over my head, leaving

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