Boss Bitch (Bitch Series)

Free Boss Bitch (Bitch Series) by Deja King

Book: Boss Bitch (Bitch Series) by Deja King Read Free Book Online
Authors: Deja King
their fault? You’re so pissed at me for sleeping with Lorenzo that you’re hitting way below the belt. But I’m not dealing with this shit from you right now.”
    I hurried off not waiting to give Nico the last word. It didn’t matter because he said enough. That man doesn’t want you. Supreme is done with you and I don’t blame him. Those words kept replaying in my head. For a moment I thought I was going to run in a corner and vomit. I had to get some fresh air and headed outside to catch my breath.
    “My poor sister, things aren’t going well for you today, are they.” As I stood on top of the stairs holding on to the rail my first thought was to kick Maya down them when she walked up on me talking that bullshit.
    “Maya, this is not the time.”
    “I know. Under the circumstances I’m sure you don’t want to talk to anybody. I mean Chantal called you out for the whore you are in open court. Supreme is finally done with you and Nico sees exactly what type of baby mama he has. On the bright side as least Aaliyah will be getting out of jail. But what is the poor girl coming home to, certainly not a mother and a father. That home is irretrievably broken. And poor Xavier, his daddy will end up marrying another woman, starting a family with her and forget all about his first-born son. You have truly fucked up now, Precious.”
    “If we weren’t standing in front of a courthouse surrounded by police officers I would kill you right now. But that’s the beautiful thing about life; God willing there is always another day. So lucky for you Maya, you have one more day to live. But start counting the days down because the clock is ticking.”
    “Is that my clock you hear ticking or is it yours,” Maya laughed before walking off. As much as I despised Maya I was glad she approached me because I needed a reminder as to why I couldn’t pity myself and get weak. I constantly had to watch my back, which meant there was no time for slipping. As I thought about what my next move would be I saw Genesis walking in my direction.
    “Fuck, I’m not in the mood for another round of this bullshit,” I moaned. If Genesis wasn’t already staring directly in my eyes I would’ve tried to find a way to get ghost but I had no other choice but to deal with yet another confrontation.
    “How are you?” I was expecting Geneis’s voice to have an attack tone to it but it didn’t. It actually sounded full of concern, which I welcomed.
    “I’ve been better.”
    “I’m sure. Listen, we have a couple hours before court resumes. How about we go have some lunch.”
    “That sounds good.”
    “Let’s go, I’ll drive.”
    When Genesis and I got to the restaurant we sat at a table in the back. I was relieved it was practically empty. The tranquil environment put me at ease and at the moment that’s what I needed. “Thank you for bringing me here.”
    “Thanks for coming. I could tell by the look in your eyes when you first saw me, you weren’t interested in having a conversation.”
    “It wasn’t that. I thought you were going to rip into me like Supreme and Nico. I didn’t feel like dealing with that.”
    “I have no right to judge you, Precious. Every day I make choices that most people wouldn’t agree with. But it’s what I choose to do and I’m willing to accept whatever consequences come with it. Although you have that same right, I don’t believe you thought about the consequences before you acted.” I glanced out the window while taking a sip of my wine pondering what Genesis said.
    “You’re right,” I admitted. “I’m not proud of what I’ve done but this isn’t all on me. Our marriage has been shaky for some time now. Supreme seemed to have checked out a long time ago. I really believed our marriage was over but I wasn’t ready to give up. Especially when everything happened with Aaliyah, I wanted to fight for my family. I do love Supreme but the thing is I love Lorenzo too.”
    “I was hoping you

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