Dreams and Desires

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Book: Dreams and Desires by Paul Blades Read Free Book Online
Authors: Paul Blades
off, floating down to the bowl and making a ring in the water. He smiled in self satisfaction.
    Kelly was gradually recovering her senses. It was strange watching the man piss. It was as if he had never done it before. She gazed at his cock with a mixture of hatred and desire. She was so confused. She wanted nothing more than her torment to end, but part of her reveled in the pleasures he had brought her. His strong, solid, manly flesh was everything she had desired in a lover. She desperately needed an explanation for what was happening to her. She wanted her hands back. She wanted her right to say no back. She wanted to speak. She wanted to hide her nakedness from this stranger who was so callously abusing her. At the same time, though, she found herself relishing her nearness to the man, admiring his flesh, wanting him.
    When he had finished shaking himself off, the man stood looking at her for a moment as if trying to recall something. A flash of recognition came over his face and he stepped to the sink and washed his hands. Kelly was startled at his meticulous attention to hygiene. “If he is a maniac,” Kelly thought, “he is a strange one."
    Her calmness, brought on by the pedestrian and intimate nature of their activities together, was dispelled when the man took her arm and led her back into the bedroom. But he did not bring her to the bed. He was merely retrieving one of the cords he had bound her with. Once he picked it up, he led her into the kitchen. He sat her down at one of the straight backed chairs and used the cord to tie her feet to its legs. A chill went through her as she was reminded of his dominance over her. And her nakedness in her kitchen was disconcerting. It was more easily accepted in her bedroom and bathroom, where nudity was commonplace. To be naked in her kitchen, tied to a chair, her arms still bound behind her was well outside the realm of normalcy. It emphasized starkly her desperate plight.
    The visitor knew both of their bodies required sustenance. But what form? He could remove the woman's gag and ask her, but it was important there be no verbal communication between them if they were to develop the mental connections they needed for his purposes. He needed to train her to receive his projections readily and to channel her mind's thoughts to him.
    He opened the refrigerator and looked inside it. He had gained much strength from his absorption of the psychic waves sent off by the woman's lust and had processed much of the download from the woman's mind. He picked up a long, rectangular carton. “These are eggs,” he thought. “They need to be cooked.” He put them back. He saw a round container with a lid. He removed it and opened it. Inside was cooked animal flesh. “Meat,” he said to himself. He put it back. He would not consume the flesh of any being. It was against the code of the Whole. And she would not either as long as she was under his control. He saw a large, translucent carton on the door and pulled it out. “Milk,” he realized. It was liquid and white. He saw and understood the word on the label. This was ok.
    He continued his search and removed bread, some celery and some cheese. This would have to do for now. Later, when the woman was fully acclimated to him, he might have to permit her to cook and produce meals. But he couldn't risk her using a kitchen utensil to harm him and so for now, he would manage what they would eat.
    It took the man a few seconds to develop the protocols for the consumption of these comestibles. Recalling his exploration of this morning, he produced a glass and a knife and a large plate. He sat down at the table next to the anxious woman and poured out some milk. He placed the wedge of cheese on the plate and cut it into small pieces. He took out two slices of bread and placed them on the plate. He did the same with the celery.
    Kelly watched the man with great interest. She was dismayed when she saw he had only taken out one glass and

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