Legacy of a Mad Scientist
nothing, and no idea exactly who is
after us.
    "We know exactly who is after us," King said.
    "Fox is pretty sure Senator Miller is pulling
Stanwood's strings. He wants to get the roots with the weeds," Ross
    "We should go scorched earth on these idiots. Epsilon
is completely their fault in the first place," Snow said. "They
never should have been testing it on prisoners. They're lucky a big
crater was all they got. It could have been a lot worse."
    "If he didn't make a point of sticking it in their
faces every chance he got, we wouldn't be in this mess," King
    "Yeah, well, we wouldn't be backed up on interstellar
satellites and you wouldn’t have a clone on ice either," Ross
pointed out.
    "To-may-toe, To-mah-toe," King replied.
    "You know you love it," Ross smiled.
    "I live for it, which is why I agree with the
Captain. We should take the fight to them. All Enemies, Foreign and
    "Be careful what you wish for." Ross sipped at the
cooling tea. "Oh! One other little problem; we still have no idea Who the residential sleeper is, and after the last few calls
we caught, it's clear they might have someone inside."
    “What do you mean might ?” King asked.
    "So, Epsilon might have been sabotage after
all?" Snow asked.
    "No. That's not the issue. Reid is sure there is a
local asset, disguised as a civilian, living on your block." Ross
shook his head. "Sorry, on the doctor's block."
    "Oh come on," King said. "The most logical candidate
is that freak living right down the street. He was assigned to
Bergstrom's unit. There is no way that's coincidence."
    "Well, it's damn clumsy, if he is. It's completely
obvious," Ross said.
    “If who is?” Snow asked.
    “Martin Dunkirk.” King answered. “He’s
    “As in a lethal plant? But he has three kids," Snow
said. "He's been living there almost as long as we have."
    "Almost, " King said. “And there may be more than
    Ross touched his nose and then pointed to King.
    "Dunkirk was a battlefield surgeon, and his record is
totally sealed," King said. "Why would a surgeon's record be
    "Half of Bergstrom's unit was medical," Snow said.
“They’re all sealed, just like us.”
    "The other half were well known wet-workers," Ross
    "And now one of those freaks is living right down the
street from you? That is no coincidence," King said.
    "Well, the DOD unit, Faulkner's team, I think the
leak is somewhere over there, but Fox and Croswell swear those guys
are clean," Snow said.
    "Sounds like time for a good old fashioned mole
hunt," King suggested.
    "I just don't want my kids getting hurt," Snow
    "I don't know how you do it," King said.
    "It's not that hard," Snow said. "You ran doubles for
a while, didn't you?"
    "Yeah, but I hated it. I never knew who I was in the
    “If you were a parent, you’d understand.” Snow picked
at her food.
    “Anyhow, I gotta be getting back,” King said. “If
they come for me, you know what I’m going to do.”
    “Don’t make it too easy for them,” Snow replied.
    “Ha. Very funny,” King said.
    “Really make them work for it,” Snow laughed.
    “Not like I haven’t done a thousand times,” King
    “Right.” Ross and Snow said together.
    “You should go out the back,” Ross suggested.
“They’re only looking for me.”
    “Are you kidding me? I’m staying on this,” Snow
    “Fox wants you on double over-watch tonight. I got
this. And if they really are coming, we absolutely can’t afford to
let you get pinched. You’re our secret ace.”
    “Don’t bullshit me,” Snow answered.
    Ross smiled, “Stow it, Marine.”
    “Yes, sir.” Snow replied, laughing.
    “Now, get outta here, the both of you.” Ross gestured
toward the backdoor.
    King and Snow exited the booth and made their way to
the back of the restaurant. As Snow reached the door, she and King
set their opacity to zero and became invisible.
    The door opened, and Ross, capable of vision in

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