
Free Moondust by J.L. Weil

Book: Moondust by J.L. Weil Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.L. Weil
the glade. Her long red hair glittered in the sunset, flowing over her bare shoulders. She had on a fluid dress that trailed behind her over the mossy grass. It was modest compared to some of the other getups I had seen her in. For the first time, I saw a different side of her—less seductive and more saintly.
    I grinned. “It’s been awhile, Grams.”
    She made a funny face , purplish eyes twinkling. “You make me sound old.”
    “You are old. Like thousands of years old.”
    She tapped a nail on her lips, which were fuchsia today instead of blood red. “Oh right. But you have to admit I look fabulous for my age.”
    That she did, and I bet she could make herself appear however she desired. I actually missed her. Who would have thunk? It seemed like a lifetime ago when I thought she was trying to kill me. “You summoned me, Oh Mighty One.”
    Her lips pursed. “Hmm. I could get used to that. It has a nice ring.”
    I rolled my eyes. Only Morgana would take my sarcasm and turn into flattery. “I was wondering when I was going to see you again. I have only about a gazillion questions for you. It crossed my mind that maybe you abandoned me.”
    She tried to hide the sad look that popped into her eyes, but she wasn’t quick enough ; I’d seen it. Our time together would eventually come to an end and neither of us wanted to admit that it would royally suck. “So have you figured out my little riddle yet, love?” she asked.
    I tucked my hair behind my ears, trying to keep it from blowing in my face. “You mean have I decided which one is going to destroy me? The answer is no.”
    “Time is ticking.”
    I gave her a dry glare. Thanks for the nasty reminder.
    She waved a hand in the air. “Alright. Fine. Ask away.”
    “What exactly do you mean one will destroy me?” I needed a little more clarity here. Would one of them kill me? Or was it less literal, like one will ruin my life?
    She looped her arm thro ugh mine and started to stroll, her soft slippers squishing the on the grass. “It is the soul you need to concern yourself with.”
    “My soul,” I repeated. “The blackness.”
    She nodded. “There is both light and dark magic inside you. Most witches are born light and turn to darkness, but our bloodline is born with both. The choice is yours.”
    Wow. I didn’t really think it was much of a choice. Good or bad?
    Duh. I choose good .
    “And you’re positive this will come to pass?” I asked.
    She gave a ladylike snort. “Is my name Morgana Le Fay?”
    I rolled my eyes.
    She paused at the water’s edge, gazing out. “No daughter of mine will be claimed by darkness, not like I was. It is why I am here—to save you from enduring a fate such as mine.”
    God , was I doomed? If Morgana hadn’t been able to resist the temptation of power, how would I? She was the strongest witch I knew, even if she were technically dead. “You gave yourself to darkness?”
    She sighed, and it was the first time I saw trouble brew in her stormy eyes. “I did. And it control led me for many, many years. It took precious time I could never get back—never make up for. That, my dear, is why I have a very special interest in your success. Before I passed onto the other side, I rectified my wrongs. I cleansed my magic, my soul. But it was too late for me. The damage was done, irreparable at that point.”
    “What happened?”
    She raised her face into the breeze. It carried a light scent of sea and pine. “I got a taste of the most alluring magic I’d ever felt. Combine that with a hot guy and love—I was destined to sink.”
    I snorted. “I can’t believe you were in love.”
    A small smirk curved the corner of her lips. “ It feels like yesterday.”
    Scuffing my feet as we walked, I asked, “What happened to him?”
    Her mouth twisted , looking dark and ill-omened. “Why he joined me in Hell of course.”
    Well, that just put a disconsolate damper on things. “Your soul is in H-Hell?” I couldn’t even

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