Cain's Crusaders

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Book: Cain's Crusaders by T.R. Harris Read Free Book Online
Authors: T.R. Harris
Juir took over four hours one way. With CW technology, once the link was established, communicating across the galaxy was like sitting across a couch from one another person and having a conversation.
    Even though physical travel between points in the galaxy hadn’t changed much in four thousand years, this new form of communicating was definitely helping to make the inconceivable expanse of the galaxy feel like a much smaller place.
    Kroekus’ official title was Administrator of the New Expansion , even though everyone knew he was more of a dictator than a bureaucrat. He wielded unimaginable power, if not by the force of his military, then by the traditions established over the four thousand years it had taken the Expansion to form.
    Adam often feared dictators, but in the matter of Kroekus, he knew this fear was unfounded. Kroekus was from the planet Silea, located in the region of the galaxy known as The Fringe. His family had controlled the planet through economics, criminal activity and political influence for over a thousand years and for his part Kroekus had always had wealth and power. So when he assumed control of the Expansion, he didn’t do it out of a quest for such things. Instead he did it for the challenge. His challenge was to see if he could resurrect the Expansion, indeed to save it from total collapse. To this end, he would employ whatever measures he deemed necessary, even if those measures called for him to assume dictatorial powers. Adam knew that if ever the Expansion reached a point of complete stability and prosperity, Kroekus would then give up control, bored with his success and now ready for other challenges.
    However, that time was nowhere in sight in the near-term – or even long-term. From no fault of his own, Kroekus was fighting a losing battle. As more and more worlds abandoned the Expansion, the strength of the tide building against the continued survival of the Expansion was undeniable. Unless something dramatic and unforeseen happened – and soon – the Expansion was destined for eventual extinction and the galaxy for a period of inconceivable chaos and violence.
    Adam and Sherri took seats at the operator’s console rather than in the gallery, as they were the only two in the room. Adam fingered the controls and soon the large monitor on the wall in front of them flickered to life.
    Kroekus was aware of Adam’s return to Pyrum-3, and also of the debriefing ceremony Adam employed at the end of each mission. He was expecting the link from Adam.
    The screen was soon filled – literally – with the bulky mass of Kroekus. Even though he was a Prime, meaning Humanoid in appearance (which was in reality a bastardization of the term which had originally meant Juirean-like) he would have easily weighed in at over six hundred pounds on Earth. But since Silea was a world with about two-thirds the gravity of Earth, his mass was less on his native world. Adam had also once made the mistake of thinking that Kroekus’ weight was something that was bad for the Silean. He had been subsequently informed that Silean males intentionally grew to such bulk because it also increased the size of their sex organ. Naturally, this was desirable among Silean females, and so the species had evolved with the males often growing to incredible size and bulk … just to be sexy.
    “Welcome back, Mr. Cain!” Kroekus announced with his usually jovial manner. Except for the dire condition the Expansion now found itself in, Kroekus was a creature in complete control of his life. He accepted the things he could influence, and refused to dwell on those he could not. This put the supreme leader of the galaxy in an almost perpetual good mood.
    “I see that your mission has been a success.”
    “In the short-term, Kroekus, but it seems the crooks are becoming better organized and more ambitious.”
    “Yes, you would think they are being led by a Silean, or another creature of equal skills.” Kroekus smiled as wide

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