An Oath Of The Kings (Book 4)

Free An Oath Of The Kings (Book 4) by Valerie Zambito

Book: An Oath Of The Kings (Book 4) by Valerie Zambito Read Free Book Online
Authors: Valerie Zambito
not have the military capability or political clout to stage such a coup. That leaves the Bartletts and the Morningstars.” He paused. “If this is indeed a politically motivated murder.”
    “What else could it be?”
    “Men murder for many reasons, Your Grace, and not all of them are the obvious.”
    Kiernan disagreed. She felt certain that one of the nobles was behind this. She thought about what she knew of Duncan Bartlett and Elinor Morningstar. The Bartletts took over the section of lands around Iserport after Davad Etin died. From all accounts, Duncan was a fair lord and inspired the loyalty of his liegemen. He had the third largest army behind Gregaros and Morningstar, his bannermen numbering around fifteen hundred.
    Elinor Morningstar controlled the lands southwest of Iserport, appointed when Ava Conry was stripped of all lands and title after her failed takeover attempt twenty years ago.
    The two southern nobles depended on each other heavily for trade, and Elinor’s son shared an enthusiastic love of hawking with Lord Bartlett. Could they be working together? Both armies combined could mean trouble if executed properly.
    That raised another question. Successful political maneuverings typically required stealth and surprise. Why such a blatant attack? Killing the reigning monarch? Surely, Elinor and Duncan must remember when Etin and Conry tried to steal the Crown. The nobles learned to their detriment and ultimate deaths that the citizens of Iserlohn did not approve of plots and schemes that threatened their livelihood and safety. Although the people would not engage in actual fighting if it came to a power struggle between Houses, they had their own ways of ensuring victory for a favored ruler. Information, food, weapons. All could be supplied—or withheld—as the citizens saw fit.
    Kiernan started when Natasha jumped down from the bookcase and scooted out the door. Bloody cat!
    “Find out what you can before the ceremony tomorrow,” she told Gage. “I would like to know the owner of the sword to expect at my back.”

Chapter 10
    Grace Hall, the throne room named after Kiernan’s mother, Grace Everard, hummed with nervous energy. By the King’s law, citizens were permitted to witness the ceremonial Request for Swords. According to the royal scribe, a slight, balding fellow by the name of Josef Asher, the last time it happened was seventy-five years ago, and he took great pains to present the records that documented that fact.
    It was just as well that they were here, Kiernan thought. Speculation had been running rampant as to how the King had died and the people wanted answers. Worry lines creased most of the foreheads in the room with fear for the stability of the realm, and Kiernan hoped to ease those fears today.
    She would have the swords of the nobles.
    She would be Queen of Iserlohn.
    Not out of any desire for power, but out of an obligation to the people to protect and serve. By a birthright and an oath that have guided her every thought and action for as long as she could remember.
    Yes, she would try to assuage those fears this day. But, not before creating new ones.
    Nobles mingled in the center of the hall, while the citizens filed in and stood around the perimeter, scrambling for a position that would allow them a good view of the raised dais.
    Kiernan watched it all as Johan Hamilton stood across from her droning on about the needs of his lands. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the dark-haired Mila Stowe hurrying on a direct path toward Beck.
    What is that bloody woman up to? If Kiernan’s feminine instincts were correct, the young noble was in love with her husband. The subtle gestures, the constant attempts at whispered conversation. Of course, Kiernan knew Beck would never take advantage of that fact, but it still would not do to have the girl running around thinking she had a chance. It would be best for Kiernan to confront her sooner than later. The rumor

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