The Light-Field

Free The Light-Field by Traci Harding

Book: The Light-Field by Traci Harding Read Free Book Online
Authors: Traci Harding
Tags: Fantasy
case. ‘That’s the conclusion the chick at the station came to.’ Aurora closed the case and locked it. ‘But where did I get his name from? Or this picture of him I have in my head?’
    â€˜Shit!’ Zanthie noted the time. ‘We gotta fly.’ She began frantically shoving makeup and accessories into her large gig bag.
    Aurora grabbed her things and followed Zanthie out of the unit and into the lift. ‘P-twelve,’ she instructed once they were both inside, and the lift door closed. ‘The image of him is so clear . And these dreams!’
    â€˜Are they sexy?’
    â€˜Well, yes,’ she said, as the lift plummeted downward in silence. ‘But not how you’d think?’
    â€˜Kinky?’ Zanthie frowned, more concerned.
    â€˜No!’ Aurora laughed as the lift doors opened and they walked out into the car park toward the valet parking service. ‘The dreams are really thrilling!’
    â€˜Thrilling?’ Zanthie was surprised. ‘How so?’ She held up a hand to beg Aurora’s patience, as she turned to announce into the valet parking centre’s speaker: ‘Twenty-eight fifteen.’
    â€˜Confirm, twenty-eight fifteen ,’ replied the speaker.
    â€˜Confirm.’ Zanthie rolled her eyes at the procedure. ‘You were saying?’
    â€˜Well, I don’t dream we are together or anything … it’s more like I’m in his body doing all these really amazing things.’
    â€˜What kind of amazing things?’ Zanthie was back to being concerned, and noted their minivan gliding down the exit ramp toward them.
    â€˜Amazing things like … flying planes, racing cars, flipping bikes, you know … the kind of things test pilots do.’
    Their transport came to a halt and hovered before them.
    â€˜So he’s a test pilot now, is he?’ Zanthie grinned at Aurora’s romantic vision of grandeur.
    Aurora cracked a cheeky smile and shrugged. ‘In my dreams, he is.’
    â€˜No wonder no real guy can match your expectations.’ Zanthie slid open the back door and tossed her bags and equipment inside.
    â€˜You think I’m losing the plot, don’t you?’
    â€˜It’s entirely possible that you could use a holiday,’ Zanthie said kindly.
    Aurora accepted that to be the truth, but then locked eyes with Zanthie. ‘I know I didn’t dream him up, Zanth. I know I read that article. I jotted down details in my notebook, which I still have, and I know I don’t write in my sleep.’
    Aurora being a sleep writer did seem more unlikely than a news station denying a story, for whatever reason. But then Zanthie had another thought which made her gasp and Aurora jump.
    Zanthie scanned the area to be sure they were all alone and then whispered. ‘Maybe you have “the Powers”?’
    â€˜No!’ Aurora objected to the suggestion very strongly, and then lowered her voice. ‘Some friend … are you trying to get me arrested? How could you even suggest that?’
    Zanthie was not fearful, but rather excited. ‘The government is in the process of passing a bill to decriminalise psychic power on Sermetica, so it wouldn’t matter to me, or anyone, if you were!’
    Aurora’s mouth gaped open. ‘I’m so not.’
    â€˜Then you don’t believe this guy really exists, and you are bugging me with your silly fantasies about him because …?’ Zanthie challenged.
    â€˜I saw him in that news report,’ Aurora answered honestly. ‘I just hope nothing untoward has happened to him.’
    Zanthie took a deep breath, in the hope of being supportive. ‘Not that it will make any difference to your love life, but I believe you.’
    â€˜Thank you.’ Aurora smiled, tossing her luggage inside and closing the van door.
    â€˜That doesn’t mean I approve of your little ghost hunt.’ Zanthie climbed into

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