Diana Cosby

Free Diana Cosby by His Seduction

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Authors: His Seduction
beleaguer him.
    “Da, please rethink your decision—”
    Angus rounded on his daughter. “You cornered Lord Monceaux, questioned his honor without provocation.”
    Panic widened her eyes. “Nay. It was nae my intent. ’Twas to—”
    “Were you forced to handfast?” Angus interrupted.
    She lowered her head. “Nay, but I explained my reason to you, Father.”
    Lord Brom’s face remained impassive.
    “I would like to hear her rationale,” Griffin muttered. Observing father and daughter together, it was clear where Rois inherited her stubbornness.
    “The lass intervened,” Angus stated, “because she considers you a threat to me.”
    “A threat?” Griffin asked.
    “Da, do nae tell—”
    “Lass,” Angus said. He focused on Griffin. “She believes that if you saw me at the rebel meeting, you would report my shift of fealty to King Edward.”
    Griffin nodded. This explained everything. Terrified that, with the news, King Edward would order her father hanged, Rois had confronted Griffin with an untruth to keep the man who’d raised her, the father she loved, alive.
    Her need to protect her father was one Griffin understood, and a decision he respected. He remembered the death of his parents, and the guilt that they wouldn’t have been traveling had he not been imprisoned.
    Face pale, Rois cleared her throat, pulling him from his thoughts. “He is King Edward’s advisor to the Scots. Da, do you nae understand that Lord Monceaux’s knowing you have withdrawn your fealty to King Edward is a sentence to death?”
    Griffin stepped forward. God’s teeth, why had Angus allowed her to remain? “Fear not, my lady, I will not report your father’s presence at the rebel meeting, nor his change of loyalties.”
    Green eyes sliced him with disbelief. “Do you think I am a dimwit and believe you speak with sincerity? Once you stand before your king, you will reveal everything.”
    Blasted stubborn. “I will reveal naught.”
    She angled her chin. “Do nae presume I am easily swayed by your practiced words.”
    The woman would bedevil the calmest of men. “My lady, I give you my word.”
    “By God,” Angus blustered, “This discussion is done. Rois Drummond, ’tis long past time you wed.”
    A tremor shuddered through Rois’s body. “How can you entrust me to our enemy?”
    Her father remained silent.
    Da intended her to remain wed to the Englishman? How could her father entertain such a scandalous alliance?
    An idea so stunning, so shocking slipped through Rois’s mind. She wanted to dismiss it, but no other reason existed—mayhap Da knew Lord Monceaux!
    Hope exploded against her fear. Lower lip trembling, she took in the formidable man, his dark scowl fierce, and his eyes blazing with anger. Her heart sank. A foolish thought. Never had her father mentioned meeting King Edward’s advisor to the Scots. So, how could her father consider leaving her in Lord Monceaux’s care?
    “Da.” Desperation wove through her whisper. “You canna leave me with this man.”
    Eyes filled with love and worry held hers. “My child, this day I depart for battle. The Scots face enormous odds at Stirling Bridge against de Warren’s troops. ’Twill ease my mind knowing you are safeguarded.”
    Safeguarded? No, sentenced. With her da’s mind made up, for whatever his reason, at this moment he was blind to her dilemma.
    “You will return. I refuse to believe otherwise.” Her voice broke. Rois jerked free, nae wanting her father to see her tears.
    Soft steps echoed as Lord Monceaux walked forward. “My lady.”
    She whirled. “Do nae touch me, ever!” Her fear for her father found a foothold. “And if you tell your king of Da, I will kill you, I swear it.”
    Her father’s mouth tightened. “Rois!”
    “Let me, Lord Brom,” Lord Monceaux said with quiet calm.
    “Let you?” she said, furious the baron could be so in control when her entire life lay shattered around her. “How dare you tell me or my

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