Roxanne's Redemption

Free Roxanne's Redemption by Aisling Keegan

Book: Roxanne's Redemption by Aisling Keegan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aisling Keegan
moaning every time pieces of the food touch ed her tongue. She was good in the kitchen, but Sebastian was a god in the kitchen.
    “Stand up. ”
    Her eyes flew open and widen ed at the huskiness in Sebastian's voice. One look into his eyes was all it took to rekindle her desire for him. The desire that shone from them had her trembling one moment, and then fidgeting the next . She knew what would happen if she did stand up , but she couldn’t stop her body even when a part of her was dying to run away .
    “I’m going to kiss you,” he said when she stood and before she could utter a protest his mouth covered hers.
    She opened her mouth without a second thought, not caring a nymore if it was wrong or right, h e thrust his tongue into her mouth and the ir tongues tangled . He tasted lik e coffee and faintly of mint. The kiss wasn’t gentle , it was wild and sizzling which suited her just fine. It reminded her of the sexual tension that had been building between them from the first time they met.
    He pulled her closer to him and deepened the kiss . L ift ing her up in his arms , he walked over to the count er as she gr ou nd her pussy over his jeans - covered erection. The zipper rubbed against her clit in the sweetest way . She moan ed . As h e positioned her on the counter , he wrapped his arms around her waist and then one disappeared under her shirt.
    Roxanne moaned low in her throat as he rubbed and t eased her nipple s . Pleasure shot from her nipple s to her clit , making her whimper in need. The other hand left her waist and quickly unbuttoned her jeans. He found her clit with his thumb , and then pumped two fingers inside her . She rode his fingers, moaning and whimpering as he began rubbing her clit. She broke the kiss and moaned as her orgasm washed through her. She couldn’t wait any longer, she wanted, no needed to feel his cock filling her. Dropping her hands to his jeans , Roxanne fumbled with shaky hands to unzip and unbutton them . His zipper opened the same time the doorbell rang, bringing them out of their lust-induce d state .
    “I'm coming, ” she yelled as she stifled a giggle that almost escape d and reluctantly moved her hands from Sebastian’s jeans.
    She looked at Sebastian as t he y started to straighten their clothes. Right before she hopped off the counter, Sebastian leaned in and whispered, “We’ll finish this later . ”
    She couldn’t stop her pussy from getting drenched, but she didn't want to . It scared her knowing that she wanted Sebastian in her life, when she’d made her up her mind before moving here that she didn't want another man in her life . But Sebastian made her want and need him, in a way that would have him running far away if he knew.
    Roxanne made sure her breathing was level before she opened the door.
    “Come in , ” she said , smiling at Lexi and Zach.
    Zac h was Lexi’s four - year - old son. He was tall for his age and lean but the boy could eat. He returned her smile and ran to her .
    “Auntie Roxanne.”
    Roxanne picked him up , twirling him around and laughing as he giggle d and squealed. She set him back on th e floor with a kiss to his fore head.
    There was a choked gasp behind her , she turned and caught the expressions running across Sebastian' s face ; s hock , anger and resentment. She looked at Lexi, then back at him. What was going on? She turned back to Lexi. Her face was ashen and her eyes were wide .
    What was Lexi afraid of? Roxanne crossed her arms over her chest and pursed her lips as she watched them . Q uestions she wasn’t sure she wanted the answers to ran through her head.
    Was Sebastian Zach’s father? If he was , what was going to happen between him and her? Did he still have feelings for Lexi? Wh y did she go and fall for someone whose heart was already taken?
    Roxanne froze. Was she really in love with Sebastian? She forced the thought away, because she really wasn’t ready for the answer to that question as yet .
    “Not in

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