How to Misbehave (Short Story)

Free How to Misbehave (Short Story) by Ruthie Knox

Book: How to Misbehave (Short Story) by Ruthie Knox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ruthie Knox
sucked, she said, “Can you … Will you bite me again? Not too hard?”
    So he nipped her, and she tossed her head back and moaned. “Holy shit. Why do I like that?”
    “Don’t worry about the why. Get out of your head and focus on the way it feels.”
    He found a rhythm, and she chased it with her hips.
    “Tony, I want …”
    “Tell me.”
    “I want your mouth again.”
    “You want me to go down on you.”
    “I do.”
    He was already moving in that direction, but he pushed her anyway. “Say it.”
    “I want you to go down on me.”
    “Good girl.”
    This time she opened wide for him, and he flicked his tongue over her clit and worked her with his fingers until she was moaning his name, over and over. “Tony, I want to come.”
    “I know you do, honey. What do you need?”
    “I need you.”
    “You’ve got me.”
    “I need—I need you inside me.”
    “You want my cock?”
    “I want your cock.”
    No man in the history of the world had ever gotten a condom on faster. He practically leapt off the bed to retrieve it from his pants and then tore the package open with his teeth, rolling the condom on at lightning speed. He was about to push into her when he caught the look in her eyes and stopped.
    “Cudgel,” she said.
    “Right. Baby, I promise, I’m not going to hurt you.”
    “I know. I need you. I’m just scared.”
    “We’ll go slow.”
    He went as slow as he could bear, nudging his crown inside her on the first thrust and sinking deeper slowly, slowly, until he was shaking with it and she was rubbing her hands up and down his arms.
    “Oh, wow. Tony. Wow.”
    He sank deeper, gritting his teeth. “You like that?”
    When he finally got all the way in, she was clamped so tight around him, he thought he might die from it.
    “It’s incredible.”
    “Tell me how it feels.”
    He laughed, collapsing on top of her so his face was buried in her wet, flowery-smelling hair. “You’re good for my ego, honey.”
    She was smiling, too, beaming at him when he propped himself up on his elbows again. “It feels good. I mean … I want you to
something with it, but I like having you … inside me.”
    “You love my giant cock.”
    He said it as a joke, and she laughed and wrapped her hands around the back of his neck to pull his forehead right up against hers. She kissed him on the mouth, soft and sweet. “Yes. I love your giant cock.”
    “Can I move now?”
    So he rocked against her, and pleasure fanned over her face. He withdrew a few inches and thrust. She closed her eyes, inhaling through her nose.
    On the third thrust, the iron bedstead banged into the wall, and Amber said, “Oh!”
    “You want me to get the bed away from the wall?”
    She shook her head. “Are you kidding me? Do that again.”
    He did it again. Then again.
. Again.
    After that, Tony kind of lost the thread.
    She felt so fucking
. Tight and hot, crazy-wet, soft and welcoming and just … just so
. No fake fingernails or fake bravado or fake sighs to make him think he was doing anything to her that he wasn’t. Just her body, the smell of sex on her skin, the way she closed her eyes when he made her feel something new but then opened them again and focused on his face as though she didn’t want to miss anything.
    He didn’t want to miss anything, either, and he wasn’t used to being this tuned in. He had no experience with a woman who watched him with wide eyes that seemed to see everything, to see right inside him.
    Even as he reveled in the scary strangeness of it, part of him knew better.
    He would pay for this.
    But his hands smoothed her hair off her face, his mouth kissed her forehead and her eyelids, and he moved as deep as he could get inside her. He couldn’t stop himself from clinging to this scrap of sweetness, from thrusting deeper, harder, when she wrapped her legs around him and encouraged him with little moans and whimpers, saying his name in his

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