Snake Charmer (Rawkfist MC Book 2)

Free Snake Charmer (Rawkfist MC Book 2) by Bijou Hunter

Book: Snake Charmer (Rawkfist MC Book 2) by Bijou Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bijou Hunter
She slaps Poppy’s hand before standing in front of me. “Have
you been tested for all sorts of gross diseases? I only ask because Journey is
clean, and we don’t want her coming home oozing anything.”
    Christine sighs. “We should have left
Poppy in.”
    “Too late,” Poppy announces from the
living room corner. “I’m too lazy to get back up.”
    “I’ve got this,” Justice says, staring
into my eyes. “Tell me your most embarrassing desire and I’ll let you date my
sister. No, wait, I’ve figured it out. Your most embarrassing secret is wanting
to date my sister.”
    Journey stomps over to Christine. “Tag
team me in.”
    Christine slaps her hand, and Justice
immediately loses interest in me.
    “Hey, I was only watching out for your
best interests,” Justice says and then runs out of the front door.
    Journey is right behind her, and I
glance outside to see them running around the front yard with a little dog
barking at them.
    “Hiking, huh?” Court says. “Who goes
hiking on a date?”
    “The kind of fool with a cousin who
takes a beautiful girl fishing on a date.”
    “Well played,” Court says, walking to
the kitchen. “Do you want anything to drink?”
    Christine stands up and joins me at the
door where we watch Journey grab Justice into a headlock.
    “Don’t let her grumpy cat face fool
you,” Christine whispers. “Journey is sweet on you. No man in the history of
the world can claim that. Well, maybe her dad.”
    “Thanks,” I say. “She’s a tough one to
    “No doubt. She lies a lot. You should
prepare for that.”
    Before I can ask Christine for details,
she walks outside where her daughters are now on the ground tickling each
    “Justice, stop bugging your sister so
she can get going.”
    “Are you queefing kidding?” Justice
balks. “She’s sitting on me, and yet somehow I’m the bad guy?”
    Journey gets up and holds out a hand
for Justice. Once they’ve cleaned the grass off of their bare legs, they join
us on the porch.
    “I guess we should go,” Journey tells
    Justice rolls her eyes and walks
inside. Journey follows her long enough to say something to Otto. After
grabbing her bag, she returns to the porch.
    “Bye,” she tells her family.
    “Bye!” they yell in unison.
    Journey only sighs. “I wish you hadn’t
    “You look tired,” I say, caressing just
under her left eye. “Were you up all night thinking about me?”
    Journey narrows her eyes and unveils a
truly nasty look. When I don’t run away screaming, she shrugs.
    “Yeah, maybe a little bit, but only
because I didn’t want you to come.”
    Opening my Jeep’s passenger door for
her, I ask, “Was I dressed when you were thinking about me?”
    “I don’t know what you look like
naked,” she grumbles.
    “Do you want to?”
    Journey gives me the once over and I
catch a hint of a grin. “A little bit, yeah.”
    “Well, you’ll need to suffer a bit
longer. Naked and the woods don’t mix. The last thing I need is chigger bites
on my ass.”
    When Journey smiles big at me, I’m
certain my hunger for her isn’t a mistake. She possesses a face I could look at

14 Snake Charmers
    D onovan drives out to the Rock Crest
Falls Park next to the Hunter’s Luck Lake. He no doubt feels more comfortable
in his part of Clinton County than mine. I don’t blame him for needing a break
from the gossip of Tumbling Rock.
    We make lame chit-chat on the drive.
Donovan tells me about his job in the most roundabout way possible. I’m no
better. I actually explain how I like “things” and don’t like other “things.”
We’ve quickly fallen into a contest to see who can be more obnoxiously vague.
    Despite our awkward conversation, I’m
relieved to see Donovan. For days, I’ve second guessed everything from our
pizza date. Was I really interested in him? Did we have any chemistry or was it
all in my head? Now I’m

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