Trouble in a Fur Coat (The Fur Coat Society Book 1)

Free Trouble in a Fur Coat (The Fur Coat Society Book 1) by Sloane Meyers

Book: Trouble in a Fur Coat (The Fur Coat Society Book 1) by Sloane Meyers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sloane Meyers
Alaskan trash. If you cross me, you’ll be sorry. So keep yourself in line.”
    Mr. Astor stepped back from Silver with a sneer, then disappeared around the corner. Silver tried to take a few deep breaths to compose herself, but she felt like she was going into shock over what she had just experienced. She felt confused, angry, and, most of all, betrayed. How could Joe have gone and talked to his dad without at least warning her? Silver felt herself trembling against the wall, with hot tears welling up in her eyes. She widened her eyes and kept herself from blinking to try to keep the tears from spilling over, but it was no use. A few traitorous, salty drops fell from her eyes, leaving a hot, wet trail down her cheek. Once those first tears escaped, it was like a dam opened. Silver turned back toward the bathroom, praying that she could make it into the safety of the stall before anyone saw her. The last thing she needed right now, on top of everything else, was some headline speculating why the local ballet star was in tears at a charity dinner.
    Silver nearly broke into a run, wiping at her eyes and trying to ignore the deep purple and blue bruises that were already forming on her wrists. When she was only a few steps away from the bathroom door, and the safety that the enclosed room would offer her, she heard her name called out.
    “Silver! Silver, wait!”
    It was Joe. Silver paused right in front of the bathroom door, and turned around slowly. He was running down the hallway toward her, a look of confusion and concern on his face, which only grew more concerned when he saw her face, which at this point probably had a few mascara rivers running down it.
    “What’s wrong, Baby?” he asked, breathless as he finally caught up with her.
    “What’s wrong ?” Silver asked. “Where should I start? Maybe with asking you why you told your dad I was upset after overhearing him talk at the dinner party last week? Thanks for the warning. Or maybe with this ?”
    Silver held up her wrists, and Joe gasped when he saw the bruises.
    “What the hell? What happened? Who did this to you?” he asked.
    His voice trembled with anger, and, for a moment, Silver’s own anger toward Joe softened. It felt good to know that seeing her hurt made him angry. Maybe he could talk to his dad, and tell him off for Silver. She shouldn’t have to deal with attacks like this from her own boyfriend’s parents.
    “Your dad did this. He pushed me up against the wall in the hallway and threatened me. He asked me what I’d overheard, and I told him I didn’t hear anything. Then he threatened to kill me if I got in his way. He also said I was a gold digger and that you were only with me because I was good in bed, which is all kinds of creepy for your dad to say,” Silver felt a fresh wave of tears coming on. Saying all of that out loud made her realize how ridiculous Mr. Astor’s actions were.
    Joe’s eyes widened again, but then he shook his head. “Come on, Silver. My dad wouldn’t do that. He wouldn’t say those things. And I may have mentioned that you were upset, but I didn’t say anything beyond that. I didn’t give him any details on what you’d heard.”
    Silver felt her heart dropping. She should have known that Joe wouldn’t be able to think ill of his dad. No matter how much Joe made fun of his parents, he was still loyal to them when it came down to the wire.
    “Are you saying I’m making this up, Joe?” Silver asked, struggling to keep her voice even. She held up her wrists again. “These bruises didn’t just magically appear. Your dad put them there. And he threatened me. I know you love your parents, but come on! You have to let go of this image you have of them as these harmless eccentrics. They’re not just eccentric. They’re harmful. Your dad wants to kill off an entire race of people. He has money and power, Joe. He’s not just making empty threats. Do you think he would have been so upset to know that I

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