My Demonic Ghost #3: Hunters and Creators

Free My Demonic Ghost #3: Hunters and Creators by Jacinta Maree

Book: My Demonic Ghost #3: Hunters and Creators by Jacinta Maree Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jacinta Maree
and his back facing me. I slowed as I approached him before stepping around the boulder to find a stream of running water along the forest floor. Chaos sat down, his legs dangling over the top of the rock, and leaned forward so his image was reflected in the stream. At the edge I squatted down and ran my fingertips in the current, it was freezing.
    “Do you know my name?” He suddenly asked.
    I glanced up, “Yes. Your name is Chaos.” As the thought hit me I swivelled on the ball of my feet, “Why is your name Chaos? It’s not a very angelic name. Neither is Gargoyle or Damage.” His smile dropped for a moment, his gaze lowered to the stream below as if a troubling thought crossed his mind. He slipped down from the boulder till he landed soundlessly beside me. I was taller than he was, but by only a foot.
    “We didn’t pick our names they were given to us.” He turned back, smiling again, “as you didn’t pick your name. But, what is in a name right? Would I be more angelic if I was called Gabe or Sunshine?” 
    I pursed my lips, “I guess not.”
    Chaos laughed, “Don’t look so serious. I like it better when you’re smiling.” 
    I smiled shyly before I could stop it. “How old are you, Chaos?”
    “I’m older than you are. Don’t let my youthful face fool you. I’ve been a Hunter for a long time, longer than both Damage and Gargoyle.” Strangely, he then licked his thumb and softly stroked my cheek. I cringed and batted his hand away. His fingers were so soft that it shocked me. “Are you scared?” His smile was contagious.
    “Wouldn’t you be if you were me?”
    “Not anymore.” He licked his thumb again, this time dabbing it along my lower lip.
    I pulled away again, “What are you doing?”
    “Just look,” Chaos motioned to the stream with the tilt of his head. When I glanced down, I could see scratches and gashes across my face which were slowly disappearing.
    “I can heal small wounds. It’s a gift most Hunters have.” I knelt down closer to the water so I could see properly. With the moving stream, my face was distorted until Chaos knelt down too, dipping his finger into the current, causing the water to become still. He wrapped his other arm around my shoulders, pulling my face into his. “We’ll make an awesome team.”
    “A team? I’m just a normal girl though. I can’t heal or teleport. I can’t even fight.”
    “You’re a Hunter on the inside just waiting to be released. Right now you’re stuck in a human body, but one day you’ll be free and you can join us in hunting down Banished too.”
    I laughed at the idea, “Do you think so? And what would my name be?”
    Chaos turned his heterochromia eyes upwards in thought, “Hmm… Baceolus. ”
    “Baceolus? What does that mean?”
    He leaned closer so he could whisper straight into my ear, “It means the Fool.”
    My brows suddenly scrunched together, “Why would you call me that?”
    “You’ve been tricked once by the demons. Your name will remind you of your mistake and ensure you’ll never be tricked again.” He grinned boisterously before standing up and picking his way along the rocky path along the stream. He had his arms out to balance himself and his toes pointed to reach the rocks below.
    “I’ve never been tricked by any demon,” I retorted.
    “If you weren’t tricked that means you helped them willingly.” Chaos paused and cocked his head over his shoulder, “For that we’ll name you the bigger fool.”  His shoulders suddenly straightened and he turned his attention back towards the cabin. He could hear something far off that I couldn’t regardless how much I strained my ears. He stayed perfectly still before realization crossed his face, prompting him to evaporate back to my side. Abruptly, Chaos pressed me against the cool rock, his hand on my shoulder pinned me to the stone.
    “Shhh!” He hushed before leaning over slightly around the corner. I could see by his dilated eyes

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