Paradox Love: Paradox Love Book 1

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Book: Paradox Love: Paradox Love Book 1 by Dorothy E Gravelle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dorothy E Gravelle
She recalled early on how he would fidget as he spoke.  It was a nervous tendency that didn’t seem to fit with either his physical build, nor his age. 
    But today, he was different.  His palms were planted on his lap, only leaving their resting place when his words needed emphasis.  Where in the past, his line of vision would be here, there and everywhere, and rarely squarely into the eyes of those he conversed with, he’d changed in this way as well.  She received lines of words from him, while all the while his eyes locked firmly and confidently with hers. 
    Those eyes.  Luke was stunning and all the more so now.  He’d somehow acquired a poise, an ease of being.  As he spoke to her now, she found herself occasionally moving a hand to her face to swing a non-existent wisp of hair from her face.  She reached for her purse, some foggy thought about needing a tissue pulling her hand that way before it escaped her.  Instead, she reached for that invisible hair again.  Good lord.  She was fidgeting.  He brought it on.
    He was letting her in, just a little.  Football had always been his passion.  She could tell that was true.  There was no hiding his excitement as he spoke about it this afternoon.  The events of the past few years had seemingly robbed him of his chosen path, his destiny even, of pursuing the sport as a player in the national arena. 
    It seemed as though just lately, as the drip line of addiction dried and withered, he’d found his new calling.  Coaching.  He’d have to go back to school.  It wouldn’t be easy after his long hiatus, but he wanted it.  Upon the burgeoning inclination, Nancy had bolted into action, collecting transcripts, researching admissions requirements.  Luke was back.  And there was nothing she wouldn’t do to keep him back.  Everything was falling into place.
    He talked about the practical nature of his plans, having to live at home for a few more years, get a job, put himself through school.  Sue could easily imagine that the whole thing would be a dream come true for his parents.  To drop so low and to come back so strong.  Yeah, any parent would be saying prayers of thanks.
    She found a place in the conversation where she could bring up what she’d wanted to say. 
    “So your mom’s house, does it have a decent yard?  Grass?”
    The quick change in topic caught him halfway between the words of his next sentence, before he stopped and realized they were on to a new subject.
    “Well yeah, it’s great.  It’s fine.  Big enough to run a few plays, you know?”
    “Yes, well that’s very nice.  Large enough for a dog to get some exercise?”
    “Sure.  If we had a dog.  Sure.”
    “Good, because you’re going to have a dog,” she announced matter-of-factly, the confident statement itself granting her the courage to return his gaze for longer than an instant.
    Those piercing eyes were right on her, questioning.  She looked down at her shoes for the tiniest instant before feeling the sting of foolishness.  She was too old for this feeling.  She forced her eyes back into his. 
    “I want you to have Noel.”
    Those eyes spoke.  Boy, did they.  The question melted away, replaced by expectation and then the question again.
    “Wait, what?  Why?”
    “Well, it’s obvious, isn’t it?  Noel is your girl.  I have absolutely no business keeping her when it’s so clear.”
    “I can’t take your dog.”
    “You aren’t taking her.  She’s already yours.”
    She’d clearly caught him off guard.  He was hesitant for a moment, thoughts racing.  Though he did love that dog, he hadn’t for the briefest moment considered the possibility of owning her.
    “I don’t know.  I’m going to be gone a lot.”
    “I’ve already talked to your mom.  She’s onboard.  Yeah, you’ll be gone a lot.  That’s okay.  Noel will be sitting there at the door waiting for you to come home.  And she’ll stop running away.  I know she will.  She

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