Paradox Love: Paradox Love Book 1

Free Paradox Love: Paradox Love Book 1 by Dorothy E Gravelle

Book: Paradox Love: Paradox Love Book 1 by Dorothy E Gravelle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dorothy E Gravelle
reached his hand through the fence to shake her hand before then kneeling down to wordlessly greet the happy hound.
    “And you’re Luke.”
    He smiled up at her from his kneeling position.
    This kid had a cute smile.  What a great looking guy.   She was surprised at her reaction, but couldn’t help it.  You were never too old to notice such things.  She proceeded to tell the story of Noel’s rescue.  Luke listened politely, although he’d heard it all before from Dennis.
    “It’s only by the grace of god that she’s here today safe and sound,” she said as she finished the tale.
    Luke’s hands froze atop the dog’s head, where he’d been stroking her favorite spot.  It wasn’t the part about god.  He didn’t care about that.  Didn’t believe it, really.  Like many, he’d become disenchanted with the whole idea of a man in a robe up there somewhere watching us.  And to his mind, there was little possibility of a god, some out-of-reach and out-of-touch entity who allowed murder, famine, abuse and all such horrors while at the same time laying down the law about how everyone should do the proper worshipping, et cetera, et cetera.  No, it wasn’t the part about god.  It was the other part.  The grace part.  The Grace part. 
    He could not remember when he’d last heard her name spoken, but it had been quite a while.  Grace .  In that instant, he let her in again, memories washing over him.  And for the first time since losing her, the thoughts did not nudge him to seek out a bottle of some sort.  He took a deep, swift breath in without realizing it and then released it slowly. 
    Sue observed him, but had no way of knowing what he was processing just now.  She did, however, know enough to be quiet for a moment.
    Noel nudged his hands for more love on her sweet spot.  But instead he moved under her chin, pulling up her face so that he could look her directly in the eye.  Then keeping his eyes locked with Noel’s, he answered Sue.  “Yes, she is an angel, this dog of yours.”
    In those eyes, he read entire chapters of emotion and verse.  Did the world know, had they any way of understanding that dogs do that?  That they speak to you a thousand messages, if you only take the time to really let them tell you?  In those eyes, this dog had stories to tell, secrets to share, love to offer, joy to proclaim.  And for every word pouring forth from her eyes, her tail backed it up with marked punctuation.
    He stretched out his arms to give Noel a full body scratching from snout to tail.  His fingertips felt the race and pound of her heartbeat, his hands the warmth of her panting breath. 
    He would love Grace till the day he died.  He’d carry her always.  Yes, the memories would always produce an ache, but never again would he sink so low.  Gently, gently, he’d place the memory of her back in its safe place.  This dog, this bundle of life, reminded him that it was his business to live.

                  Well, now that she’d seen it for herself, Sue was certain.  Noel belonged with Luke.  The dog’s fixation remained inexplicable.  Though Sue itched to understand the origins of Noel’s obsession, she knew she would never be given the satisfaction.  So what could be done?  It would be utterly selfish to place her attachment to the dog over what Noel had clearly demonstrated to be her deepest wish.
    Today she sat with Luke on a large sofa in the lounge area of the reception room, having asked to speak with him.  The two had met on several occasions now, their tentative friendship taking its light steps forward.  She knew a little bit more about him now, but not that much.  On occasion, her curiosity had her pondering questions she wished she could ask.  Her respect for him and his recovery process kept her silent. 
    She observed him at this moment, taking note of the subtle changes having occurred since their first meeting. 

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